
Flood Fossils

A stunning new book with family friendly, groundbreaking creationist research will excite many

Wood from Oligocene rock still contained 14C. (Fig. 147, Vance Nelson)
30 million year old wood still burns? (Fig. 148, Vance Nelson)


CMI is pleased to carry the second book produced by Canadian creationist Vance Nelson in his Untold Secrets of Planet Earth series. In his first book, Dire Dragons, Vance revealed lots of new evidence of dinosaurs and humans living together via pictures of tapestries, carvings, ornaments and paintings. It was a stunning collation and is one of the more popular books that CMI carries. In this second book, Flood Fossils (CMI’s Dr Tas Walker was one of the contributing science editors), Vance has amassed dozens of examples of rapid fossilization of artifacts that must have been buried quickly to ensure their preservation. These include ephemeral fossils such as sand ripples, fossilized footprints of birds and even trilobites. Also contained are pictures of modern artifacts preserved in stone such as a spark plug, coins and even a US one dollar bill! Flood Fossils also contains great examples of rapidly fossilized fish, but even more stunning is evidence of them being buried alongside mammals and preserved in the same portion of rock (pp. 114–115). How did water-dwelling creatures and land animals end up being buried together? The evidence points to the global Flood of Noah’s day.

Original research provides bad news for evolution’s millions of years

However, the wood was sent to a radioisotope laboratory of a major university in the US for carbon-14 dating and came back with an age of 48,160 years. That’s a 600% error ratio.

Much of the alleged ‘science’ behind prescribing a ‘millions of years’ date to fossils comes from the presumed age of the rocks that fossils are found in. However, fossilized wood was extracted from Oligocene rock formations alleged to be c. 30 million years old (myo). Yet the wood appeared fresh, and indeed would still easily burn, as demonstrated in the pages of this book. In another example, wood was extracted from a tree buried in Permian (pre-dinosaur) layers presumed to be around 290 myo. If the tree was buried in layers that surrounded it, and the layers were dated to 290 myo then the tree would logically be the same date. However, the wood was sent to a radioisotope laboratory of a major university in the US for carbon-14 dating and came back with an age of 48,160 years. They can’t both be right, because they differ by a factor of ~6,000. This does not mean the wood is tens of thousands of years old. All radiometric dating methods, including carbon-14 dating, are not infallible methods, and they are often used in an attempt to falsify biblical dates of creation. But here we have an example using the evolutionists’ own cherished methods that falsify their own various belief systems. It demonstrates the massive historical assumptions applied to the operational science of simply measuring radioisotopes in a sample. Indeed, in recent years carbon-14 has become the creationist’s best friend. This is because carbon-14 has been found in coal and diamond samples that are supposed be hundreds of millions and even billions of years old. In addition, a fossilized toe bone from an Edmontosaurus dinosaur (conventionally presumed to tens of millions of years old) was sent to the same university for carbon-14 dating and produced results of 32,420 years. The lab reports are reproduced in the book.

Fig. 152, Vance Nelson 9580-carbon-test
Fig. 153, Vance Nelson 9580-edmontosaurus-toe

Fossilized fruit still has chemical residues in it

In one interesting experiment revealed in Flood Fossils, Vance sent samples of fossilized fruit (presumed to be dates) that were found in Miocene (up to 23 mya) brown coal seams in Germany, to a laboratory for chemical analysis. The lab report pictured in the book revealed the fruit still contained the same chemical esters (“observed to have fruit-like odors”) you would find in fruit sitting in your local supermarket shelves. Obviously these fossils cannot be millions of years old.

Fig. 154, Vance Nelson 9580-fruit-test
Fig. 155, Vance Nelson 9580-fossil-fruit

Fossilized fruit and the lab report showing it still contained chemical esters—the same as found in fresh fruit.

Sightings of Noah’s Ark


Without drawing any conclusions, this book documents multiple, yet consistent, eyewitness reports with regard to alleged sightings of Noah’s Ark. Indeed, I have been involved in the creation debate for over 25 years and was skeptical when I heard this book would contain such claims. However, some of the information presented was new to me. I was particularly struck with the similarity of the reports, considering many of them were separated by tens of years.


Like Dire Dragons, this new Flood Fossils book is pictorially stunning and one of the best books I have come across dealing with these issues in recent times, mainly because of its original first hand research with regard to dating fossils. It is a book for all ages, very lay friendly and a must have for every parent wishing to immunize their children against the ‘fossils prove millions of years’ dogma they inevitably receive in high school and university. This book ably demonstrates that such a mantra is not based upon real science at all. In fact, people of all ages will be excited to see firsthand research that demolishes arguably the biggest arguments that are used against the Bible’s account of creation and its associated biblical timeframes.

Published: 17 July 2014

Helpful Resources

Flood Fossils
by Vance Nelson
US $33.00
Hard cover
Dire Dragons
by Vance Nelson
US $27.00
Hard cover