
Evolutionary ice age theories still don’t work

By Tas Walker


Climate expert, Didier Paillard, writing in Science about the so-called ice ages, said that the big challenge is to build an ice age theory that works.1 Commenting on two research papers published in the same issue,2,3 each proposing different hypotheses, he said that ‘… neither hypothesis can account for the beginning of the Northern Hemisphere glaciations about 3 million years ago.’

Furthermore, they fail to explain the oscillations in the ice cores, including the so-called 41,000 year cycle, the 23,000 year cycle, the 100,000 year cycle, and why one cycle changes into another. Neither do they explain how insolation (sunlight) and atmospheric CO2 affected the amount of glaciation.

The papers also ‘question some basic principles that are often accepted without debate’ and suggest ‘rethinking’ of some basic definitions.

Paillard admits that ‘a final solution still eludes us’.

However, the Global Flood catastrophe some 4,500 years ago provides a simple and elegant solution to the cause and effects of the Ice Age. See chapter 16 of The Creation Answers Book; also Michael Oard’s An Ice Age caused by the Genesis Flood, ICR, El Cajon, California, USA, 1990, available from our online bookstore.

Published: 1 November 2006


  1. Paillard, D., What drives the Ice Age Cycle? Science 313(5786):455–456, 2006.
  2. Raymo, M., Lisiecki, L., and Nisancioglu, K., Plio-Pleistocene Ice Volume, Antarctic Climate, and the Global δ18O Record, Science 313(5786):492–495, 2006.
  3. Huybers, P., Early Pleistocene Glacial Cycles and the Integrated Summer Insolation Forcing, Science 313(5786):508–511, 2006.