
David Austin


David Austin is a retired paymaster and a previous assistant to the pastor at Hilltop Community Church. He became interested in Bible chronology, especially in the accuracy of the mathematics of Scripture, about 15 years ago. He passed away on Sunday morning 8th October 2022.


  1. ‘The Queen of the South’ is ‘the Queen of Egypt’
  2. Synchronisation of the divided kingdoms of Judah and Israel
  3. Chronology of the 430 years of Exodus 12:40
  4. Is Darius, the king of Ezra 6:14–15, the same king as the Artaxerxes of Ezra 7:1?


  1. 215-year sojourn still ‘short’. Letter to the Editor by Brenton Minge. Replies: David Austin and Mike Viccary
  2. Is Darius the king from Ezra? Letter to the Editor by Rod Bernitt. Reply: David Austin
  3. Is Darius, the king of Ezra 6:14–15, the same king as the Artaxerxes of Ezra 7:1? Letter to the Editor from Brian Schuh. Reply: David Austin
  4. The biblical minimum and maximum age of the earth. Letter from David Austin. Reply: Robert Carter
  5. ‘Short’ sojourn comes up short? Letter to the Editor by Brenton Minge. Replies: Mike Viccary and David Austin

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