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What do the atheopaths have to hide?

Skeptics who refuse to reveal their name—do they have something to hide, or something to fear?


There appears to be an increasing trend of late with atheopaths seeking to distract us from producing content for the website and our publications by bombarding us with insincere ‘enquiries’ with fake names and fake email addresses. We publish this email to which Dr David Catchpoole responds, complete with fake name and email address to show precisely the sort of opposition we face.

Eyes Mind Wideopen with ‘email address’ iamnotasheep@URAbloodyfool.com writes:

Regarding your article: Holy books? Which one are you going to trust? by David Catchpoole … .

I’m still confused! How does using YOUR holy book prove anything more than that you have a book that you adhere to when answering all questions pertaining to YOUR religion? It would mean nothing to you … prove nothing to you … if I were to quote something from “The Gospel of Thomas” to prove to you that Agnosticism is the one true religion. It’s like holding a piece of gold in your hand at the bank to prove you have a backyard full of gold. Mr Catchpoole’s argument insults the intelligence of any thinking person and makes himself and anyone taking him seriously, look like an ignorant fool.

Hmm I [don’t] wonder why you don’t have a place for comments on your website.

CMI’s Dr David Catchpoole responds:

Dear “Eyes Mind Wideopen”,

First, regarding your last sentence, I apologize that as the article Holy Books? pre-dates our modern website’s format, it does not have the “Comment on this article” facility that our more recent online articles do, e.g. see Expert engineer eschews “evolutionary design” and Secular biology class confirms design and one of my own: The ‘vital mission’ for atheists: discrediting the supernatural. We do indeed publish a range of selected incoming comments at the foot of the relevant article—critical or supportive, informative or enquiring. [Note from web editors: As of 17th April 2012, the “Comment on this article” facility has now been installed at the end of the Holy Books article.]

As for your other criticisms, I confess that “Holy Books” was not designed for all readers, but only those who have “passed first base” so-to-speak, i.e. readers eager to progress beyond the basics of the creation-evolution issue, having realized that there is a Designer, and are now seeking to know their Maker. The article nowhere mentions ‘proof’ or ‘prove’—the onus is on the readers to think it through for themselves. My article was intended to help them do that.

But it seems to me from your positive comments regarding agnosticism that you have not yet acknowledged that you do have a Maker. So I encourage you to read our articles on design—two of which I’ve already mentioned in this reply.


David Catchpoole

Creation Ministries International


Despite comments such as the one above, we still as Christians possess a mandate to proclaim the gospel to atheists, even if they find it offensive, as Dr Don Batten points out in this feedback.

Christina K. from the United States writes in response to article Why do atheists hate God?:

Hi all. My best friend is an atheist—a very nice person. He says that the reason why he dislikes everyone trying to save him is the same reason why a Christian person would dislike a Muslim person attempting to convert them to Islam. He said that both people have reason to believe the way they do, and since he doesn’t try to force atheism on others, he doesn’t want religion forced upon him. I do pray for his soul, but what he says does make sense. I guess I can quote Matthew 23:8–12; “But do not be called Teacher; for One is your Teacher, and you are all brothers. Do not call anyone on earth your father; for One is your Father, He who is in heaven. Do not be called leaders; for One is your Leader, that is, Messiah. But the greatest among you shall be your servant. Whoever exalts himself shall be humbled; and whoever humbles himself shall be exalted.” I don’t feel like its right to judge or try to change atheists. God will determine their place in the afterlife, it is not my place. Just my two cents. God bless.

Dr Don Batten replies:

Dear Christina,

Thanks for commenting.

I know some nice atheists too. But nice atheists break the first commandment just like everyone else and will be judged by God for their rebellion against His right to rule over them. Atheists need Jesus, not so they will be nice, but so that they will escape God’s wrath.

Actually, I don’t mind Muslims trying to convert me at all; in fact I welcome it as an opportunity to share the Good News of the Lord Jesus Christ with them; that God has paid the price for our sin and that we cannot earn ‘Brownie’ points with God by Jihad or other means. I do get angry about Muslim-inspired killing of people who refuse to ‘convert’ to Islam (100s of thousands of people in southern Sudan are facing this risk right now), but that is a different thing. If Christians were killing atheists because they would not convert, I would not blame them for having a negative view of Christians. But of course that is not happening. We Christians are not ‘forcing’ our beliefs on anyone.

So your atheist friend’s analogy breaks down.

I’m not sure I see the relevance of Matthew 23:8–12 to witnessing to atheists, although the general call to humility is apt in all situations.

You say, “I don’t feel like its right to judge or try to change atheists.” The flip side of this is that you are happy to see them suffer God’s wrath for their sin. Surely, if someone is truly your friend, you would do everything in your power to make sure that they had the opportunity to repent and receive salvation? What sort of friend would stand by and just watch you as you sailed towards a Christ-less eternity in hell, saying “It’s not my place to judge”? No, the judgment the Bible proscribes is that which puts others down in comparison to ourselves (‘I am holier than you’), it is not an excuse for silence regarding the Gospel call.

“God will determine their place in the afterlife, it is not my place.” This is true, but God says it is our place, our responsibility, to tell them of the Gospel: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Mat. 28:19–20)

“For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. How are they to call on one they have not believed in? And how are they to believe in one they have not heard of? And how are they to hear without someone preaching to them?” (Rom 10:13–14)

Of course if your atheist friend is just not interested and says he does not want to hear, you cannot force things. But you can keep praying for a willingness to listen and be ready to share when the door opens.

With kind regards,

Don Batten

Published: 19 May 2012