‘Out of Africa’? A brief response …

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Striving to understand the world apart from the true history found in the Bible, evolutionists have devised varying ideas about where and when ‘modern’ humans originated. One hypothesis given recent coverage in the news is the ‘out of Africa’ idea. Using mitochondrial DNA studies, proponents of this view (which is really rather ‘old news’, despite being revived repeatedly) believe that all people groups can trace their ancestry back to Africa. They have suggested that people began migrating from there about 100,000 years ago; however, recent reports have revised the date to around 50,000 years.1

Critiques and explanations of the ‘mitochondrial Eve’ hypothesis, which is a part of the ‘out of Africa’ idea, are available at Q&A:Genetics Q/A — note especially A shrinking date for ‘Eve’.


1. <http://abcnews.go.com/sections/science/DailyNews/human_evolution001206.html> 7 December 2000.

Published: 15 February 2006