How Evolution Hurts Science

From a former evolutionist university researcher

MP4 Video
MP4 Video

Product Audience:
High School-Adult

Dr John Sanford

50 Minutes

2009 Super Camp (Australia)


As a leading research professor, John Sanford has seen the harmful effects of how a faulty worldview inhibits good science, especially in the revealing area of alleged “junk DNA”. He also shows how fallacious arguments are used to discriminate against anyone who dares to stand against the prevailing worldview of evolution and millions-of-years, and how we can make a stand against it.

This is a 347mb 640x480px MP4 video file which needs to be downloaded to your computer / tablet / smart phone before you can watch it. The software/program needed to watch the video will normally be already on your device but if necessary free software can be downloaded from the internet and installed.

No part of this can be reproduced without permission.

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