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Countering emotional attacks on creation


Previously appeared in a CMI newsletter, September 2015

In the battle raging for hearts and minds in our society, those who oppose God often use emotional arguments to try to turn people against Him. You might recall that in an earlier newsletter we mentioned that famous evolution advocates suggest that creationism is not appropriate for children. Prominent atheists Richard Dawkins and Lawrence Krauss have even likened it to ‘child abuse’.

Ironically, the opposite is really the case. It’s not appropriate to teach evolution to children as propaganda, i.e. without informing them of the problems and alternatives. This shows no respect for them as people, and hampers the development of their critical faculties. In fact, it’s downright cruel to teach children that they evolved from animals, that there is no design or purpose to their lives, and that the universe is coldly indifferent to their existence. That is what is likely to destroy their self-esteem, poison their relationships, and shackle their potential.

A young fan of CMI’s Facebook page, Matthew S., shows that creation teaching is good for children, helping them to understand the science. He said:

I'm a year 12 student and have been reading Creation 'stuff' for years. It is a lot of fun and I have actually found that I am acing yr 12 Biology (specifically evolution) because I seem to know more about it than my teachers. Thanks so much guys!”

Creation vs love of science?

Another emotional red herring that skeptics use is to imply that teaching creation destroys a child’s love of science. Again, the reverse is the case. Once a young person understands how the Bible makes sense of the world, their interest in science soars to a new level.

That was the experience of Annette S. with her children:

Thank you for your very informative work in the magazines and on the website. The subscription is for my teenage son as he is interested in all things science. Our other teenage children enjoy watching the DVDs.”

Recently, prominent US ‘science guy’ Bill Nye alleged that creation belief would lead to America losing its leadership position in science. Perhaps he was hoping the emotional impact of his argument would prevent people making the obvious link. Namely, that this leadership position in science has been achieved by the United States at the same time as it has been the country with, overwhelmingly, the highest number of professed Bible-believing Christians in the world, and certainly the highest rate of belief in Genesis creation.

In fact, it is now widely conceded that the whole reason that science and technology exploded in Western Europe is because of the impact of the Bible following the Reformation. Once again, the facts are the very opposite of what these emotive arguments are trying to convey.

Such emotional attacks are really not surprising when one realizes the nature of this spiritual warfare. When you hear them, don’t be intimated by their strident, aggressive approach, and don’t feel you need to get on the defensive. Getting informed and equipped is the key to helping spread the good news that the Bible really is ‘truly true’. It’s information about science and creation that changes people’s minds, and it’s not going to be promoted on national TV, nor will it be taught at university, or in high school. The bookshops in the mall won’t distribute it. It’s up to people like you and me to spread it.

We need to counter falsehoods

As an information ministry, CMI is dedicated to proclaiming the truth of Creation. This is so that people will be strengthened in their faith in Christ, and be confident (and equipped) to share Him with others. As you would know, we provide this scientific information by speaking at church services, publishing Creation magazine and Journal of Creation, distributing books and DVDs, and organizing camps and conferences. People regularly write to tell us about the difference creation information has made in their lives. Tracy W. recently emailed to say:

I was first exposed to your ministry [at my church and] it changed my whole outlook on my Christian faith. It was a simple message; if the biblical account is true then there should be evidence around the world to back it up. And then the speaker went on to show us so many examples of so many things in geology, palaeontology and anthropology that were so amazing that I began to read your books and have never stopped.”

More and more people are learning that the science supports biblical creation, not evolution. It’s giving them confidence in the Bible and changing the way they train their families. Along the way, as they use the materials to reach out to their friends and relatives, we often get to hear of how unbelievers are coming to saving faith as a result.

We love to hear from people who have caught the thrill of spreading the news about our Creator, Jesus Christ. Rebecca B. enjoyed the challenge when she was studying at university:

There are a lot of open-minded people out there who are confused by the incessant evolutionary propaganda paraded in the education system and the media. Being well-informed on the evidences for Creation opens a lot of opportunities to give people a reason to believe.”

So, when you hear these emotional attacks on biblical creation, take a breath, think calmly, get informed, and help us spread the good news together.

Published: 19 February 2019

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