This article is from
Creation 40(4):6, October 2018

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40 years of Creation magazine




This issue of Creation magazine closes its 40th year of defending the truth of Genesis, as affirmed by Christ Himself. To celebrate, we produced the book Defending Genesis, with a hard choice of 40 of the best articles dating back to the very first issue, from a wide range of authors about many different topics. It’s notable how many of the older ones have stood the test of time.

For these four decades, we have tried to make sure that there is something for both new readers and experienced creation apologists. So we try to make sure that every issue has an article covering each of a number of topics, e.g. design, the Flood, fossils, Ph.D. scientist interview, natural selection, an animal feature, astronomy, and the kids’ page.

The first is pretty important, because Darwin is best known for claiming that the design in life is just apparent, and instead the result of gradual change and natural selection. But scientists continue to find amazing design features that defy Darwinian explanations. For example, even the humble eggshell has an intricate structure to balance strength and allowing oxygen in (p. 24), and an Aboriginal and Aztec throwing weapon bears uncanny resemblance to the heron’s neck (p. 42). Even our ability for facial expression defies evolution, since our face has 20 unique muscles with no analogues in our supposed ape relatives (p. 27).

So why is the Flood important? This goes back to Darwin himself: before he thought of biological evolution, he had already swallowed the geological evolution of his day. That is, the biblical Flood was rejected a priori, and replaced by slow and gradual changes over vast ages. It was a small step to reason: if slow changes over eons could explain the rocks and fossils, then why not also the living creatures? But the reverse is true: if a worldwide Flood really occurred, then we don’t need millions of years to explain the rocks—in many physical processes, we can replace time with intensity. And some features really require intensity and not time, e.g. rock arches that are just not observed to form today (p. 23).

What about the scientist interviews? Well, how many times have you heard that no real scientist doubts goo-to-you evolution? Every issue firmly disputes that claim! This issue, we have one of the space exploration pioneers (p. 12) and an astrophysicist (p. 20). Speaking of astronomy, we see how the real science of particle physics poses problems for the big bang (p. 19), and the moon defies evolutionary origin theories (p. 53). And our kids section this time (p. 32) is about the amazing fine-tuning of our earth, sun, solar systems, and galaxies.

The existence of top scientists who believe the Bible should be no surprise, because science itself grew out of a Christian world view, of a divine Lawmaker who was a God of order not of confusion (e.g. 1 Corinthians 14:33) who gave humans dominion over the rest of creation (Genesis 1:28). So this issue also features one of the greatest mathematicians in history who was also a devout Bible defender, Leonhard Euler (p. 48).

In our animal features, we explore some of the design features, as well as how the current varieties relate to the original created kinds. In many cases, in this fallen world, natural selection is involved with producing varieties. But it’s vital to understand that this is a culling force not a creative force: it eliminates the unfit; it doesn’t create the fit. On p. 28, we learn how the spectacularly striped zebra likely came from the pair of the equid (‘horse’) kind that Noah brought onto the Ark.

And in all this, we want to give glory to the Creator: the Triune God who reveals Himself in the 66 books of Scripture as the maker of Heaven and Earth—and time itself! (See p. 44.)

Posted on homepage: 1 August 2018

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