
Why should Christians subscribe to Creation magazine?

Gary Bates

by Gary Bates, CMI–Australia

Reposted 1 April 2006

Let’s be honest. We are all encouraged to evangelise, but the reality is that it’s not that easy in today’s secularized, doubting world. If you had the ‘answers’ and the ‘ammunition’ to destroy the work of the enemy, would you be involved? Read on to see how easy it is.

  1. All over the world, people are converted to Christ through Creation magazine. How do we know? New Christians tell us so, just like Patrick:
    ‘Firstly, I wish to thank you for helping me to prove to my stubborn self that there certainly is a God. Your Creation magazine gave me the scientific and spiritual evidence I needed to firmly assure myself that my suspicions were true. At first I shunned the belief of my parents, but after living on my own for two years, with the aid of a copy of your magazine which I was given one day, I realised that I was the one who was wrong, and I asked for salvation.’
  2. Keep up to date with the latest creation information!
    Creation 24(4) Sept-Dec 2002

    Creation magazine

    Keep your family informed on the latest easy-to-understand evidences for creation and against evolution! This unique full-color family magazine gives God the glory, refutes evolution, and gives you the answers to defend your faith. Exciting articles and great witnessing material you won’t find anywhere else! Includes a beautifully illustrated full-color children’s section in every issue. Powerful ammunition to intelligently discuss nature, history, science, the Bible, and related subjects. Delivered to your home every three months!


  3. Creation magazine has the greatest life-changing impact of any CMI publication. Feedback from thousands of people testify to this. Mr R.B. told us:
    ‘I would just like to let you know how much your teaching has transformed me. You really set the right foundation for me. You so clearly explain that the ones who hear are “without excuses”. I followed your advice and started teaching our four children from Genesis 1:1. It totally changed them.’
  4. Leaving your old copies in doctors’ waiting rooms, for example, makes them ‘disappear’. Even when supporters say they haven’t had time to read it for themselves. L.S. from New Zealand said:
    ‘We have a takeaway shop and have magazines for people to read. The last Creation magazine we had was put out. It was interesting to see people reading it and some commented. But the most interesting thing was that the magazine gradually ‘disappeared’ until there was only one page left. This doesn’t happen to the other types of magazines. Keep up the good work.’
  5. Purchasing a ‘gift subscription’ for unsaved family or friends could make the difference in their decision to receive Christ. Your subscriptions also assist us in placing Creation magazine into prisons, for example. Beacon school advised:
    ‘We … received notice of a 2-year gift subscription to Creation magazine. The kids & teachers absolutely love it! Some kids are wanting to ask their parents to subscribe at home. Thank you so much for this special gift! It truly is a hit! It is very informative & interesting to read. Thank you again for sharing this with us.’
  6. Creation magazine is a proven soul-winning evangelist—it does the work for you. Your subscription makes you part of a team. Just be the hands and feet of our Lord and Creator. Cherie told us how she uses it:
    ‘I just love these Creation magazines and your articles have me awe-struck … . I have quite a few Jehovah’s Witnesses calling on me. They have me stumped if I battle Scriptures with them; they certainly are well versed ... . They always open their spiel [talk] with “God’s creation”, which gives me a chance to tell them about CM [Creation magazine]. Then when they want to give me their [Watchtower] magazine I tell them I’d love to swap them a CM for theirs. I know God is using this magazine with them and I thank him for giving me this wonderful idea of sharing it with them.’
  7. The creation/evolution issue is a foundational battle for the hearts and minds of the lost of your country. Remember how you felt when you first heard the Creation message? Joanne did:
    ‘Thank-you for your most wonderful magazine … . With scientists claiming all these various dating techniques as correct, it is very confusing for Christians who don’t know the real truth about them. With your magazine … I feel absolutely set free, it is so wonderful to have scientists show how the world does fit with what the Bible says. Thank you.’
  8. Creation magazine is the lifeblood of our ministry—helping fund our efforts to put more and more creation resources into the community. We accept no paid advertisements so each page can do its soulwinning and faith-strengthening work. You can counter the work of the enemy. Jeanine from Africa wrote:
    ‘Thank you for the excellent work you are doing! As a faith missionary I’m not able to support you financially, but I really value your hard work and Scriptural insight. Thank you for valuing integrity and the truth so highly—God is truth, and it pleases Him when we walk in the truth. May God bless and empower you in your ministry. God willing, I will continue to support you by continuing to subscribe.’

Can you afford not to be part of this effective, grass-roots outreach to win the world for Christ? Don’t let the devil keep spreading his lies in ‘glossy’ humanistic magazines. Proclaim the truth with a positive Christian alternative! Apathy is the greatest enemy to the spread of the Gospel.

Make a difference—subscribe today!

Published: 8 March 2006