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Termite mounds: cities in miniature
How are these veritable cities in miniature built?
by Shaun Doyle
Spiderweb stickiness secret
How spiderweb glue works: multi-functional adhesive—a ‘smart material’.
by Jonathan Sarfati
What does min mean?
How closely does the Hebrew word min (‘kind’) match the modern creationist usage of the term ‘baramin’ (‘created kind’)?
by Pete J Williams
Do animals possess morality?
Do humans only differ in degree from animals?
by Lita Sanders
Large sparrow-finch monobaramin in perching birds
Hybrid data suggests a large sparrow-finch baramin that includes over 1,000 modern species!
by Jean K Lightner
Plants and animals around the world
Why are they found where they are?
by Dominic Statham
Badly designed arguments—‘vestigial organs’ revisited
The argument from ‘vestigial organs’ has been refuted many times by creationists, but some evolutionists still think it is a good argument against creation.
by Lita Sanders
Living fossils and ‘junk DNA’
Why do ‘living fossils’ and functions in ‘junk DNA’ present problems for evolution?
by Don Batten, Lita Cosner
‘Parade of mutants’
Pedigree dogs, far from being the ‘most evolved’, are actually the sickest and most genetically impoverished.
by Lita Sanders
Evolutionists claim that biogeography provides strong evidence for evolution. Can the data fit the biblical account of recolonisation following the Genesis Flood?
by Dominic Statham
Comparing chromosomes and genomes
Towards a better understanding of the types of genomic changes that have occurred throughout history in the creation model
by Jean K Lightner
Poison-resistant tomcods and the meaning of ‘evolution’
A skeptic misunderstands what evolution is, and what is required to make it plausible.
by Carl Wieland