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Page 21 of 37 (442 Articles)
An eggcellent design
Eggshell nanostructure shows purposeful construction
by Phil Robinson
The sloth: Slowest mammal on Earth
This creature may lack speed, but its special features make gripping reading.
by Craig Perman
Does animal death glorify God?
Answering questions about the role of animal death in God’s creation, and what value God assigns to animal life.
by Lita Sanders
The blue rose
Why couldn’t one be bred?
by Gordon Howard
Marvellous moth motif
An amazing portrait of a mammal’s face—on the wings of a moth—defies Darwinian explanations in its sheer detail.
by Emil Silvestru
The surprising ‘belwhal’
DNA reveals beluga-narwhal hybrid
by Phil Robinson
What should Christians think about artificial selection and genetic modification?
Is it ok for humans to modify organisms? What about human-animal hybrids? We discuss the biblical and ethical guidelines for Christians in today’s world of rapidly developing biotechnology.
by Matthew Cserhati, Gary Bates
The Japanese Sparrowhawk
The hunter so well designed it perfectly fits into a specific habitat.
by Jillene Bailey
Mirror spider “like a disco ball”
God’s amazing creation is full of never-ending surprises
by David Catchpoole
Poison-resistant tomcods and the meaning of ‘evolution’
A skeptic misunderstands what evolution is, and what is required to make it plausible.
by Carl Wieland
The Octopus
“Said to have ‘alien biology’, and are ‘too brainy’ for their age!”.
by David Catchpoole
Fine tuning of ‘backward’ eye is vital for colour vision
Our 'backwardly-wired’ retina is an ideal structure to optimize colour vision.
by Jonathan Sarfati