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Worldviews, logic, and earth’s age—part 2
Deep-time compromise has had a negative effect on the Christian church despite claims to the contrary.
by John K. Reed and Shaun Doyle
Worldviews, logic, and earth’s age—part 1
Old-earth creationists should face the reality that their position more aligns them with a worldview that opposes Christianity.
by John K. Reed and Shaun Doyle
Creation in-depth: The Evangelical church
Has the evangelical church lost its ‘saltiness’ in the world by abandoning the authority of Scripture?
by Andrew S Kulikovsky
Karl Giberson unmasks himself
High profile theistic evolutionist Karl Giberson reveals how it is not possible to be a Darwinist and a Bible-believing Christian—if one thinks about it.
by Don Batten
BioLogos, theistic evolution and the Pelagian heresy
In the debate over an historical Adam BioLogos revives an old heresy that leads to the destruction of the Gospel.
by Richard Fangrad
William Lane Craig’s intellectually dishonest attack on biblical creationists
The teaching that God created everything ‘very good’ sharply contradicts billions-of-years dogma.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Dealing with doubt
There are good ways back to faith if believers sometimes experience doubt in their Christian walk.
by Lita Sanders
End-times and Early-times
Is the debate about how we should understand Genesis just like disputes about end-times prophecy (eschatology)?
by Don Batten
Who is being divisive about creation?
We hope you enjoy this sneak preview from the now-released December issue of Journal of Creation. Subscribers will be delighted by the powerful, stimulating content.
by Lita Sanders
Perils of Theistic Evolution
The case against theistic evolution must not be silenced by claims that creationism brings the gospel into disrepute—on the contrary, the stakes are high and this is no time for surrender!
by Philip Bell
Replenish the earth
How come Adam and Eve were told to ‘replenish’ the newly created earth with their descendants if it had never been previously filled?
by Carl Wieland
The Future
Christians who embrace theistic evolution or progressive creation over billions of years in the past face the problem of heat death of the universe billions of years in the future.
by Russell Grigg