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10 dangers of theistic evolution
by Werner Gitt
Top Ten Biblical Problems for Young Earth Creationism—Answered
Answers to challenges from a popular YouTube apologist, who posted an intellectually dishonest hatchet job on young-earth creation.
by Keaton Halley
Responding to theistic evolution
Theistic evolution denies the doctrine of marriage, union with Christ and the need for a redeemer
by Joel Tay
Why I rejected ‘theistic evolution’
Theistic evolution is a significant threat to the Christian church. It undermines the very foundation of the Christian faith and causes people to doubt the truth of Scripture.
by David A. DeWitt, Ph.D.
Sleeping with the enemy
Will teaching our children that the Bible means what it plainly says cause them to fall away from the faith? Some Christians say ‘yes!’
by Calvin Smith
No keeper’s brother
We hope you enjoy this sneak preview from the now-released December issue of Journal of Creation. Subscribers will be delighted by the powerful, stimulating content.
by Shaun Doyle
Did God create an ‘open’ universe?
If theistic evolution is true, is God responsible for the universe?
by Lita Cosner, Keaton Halley
Theistic evolution: what difference does it make?
Like fire and ice, the Bible and evolution don’t mix
by Dean Davis
Priest calls CMI heretical
Is he right?
by Lita Sanders
God’s rest—A problem for theistic evolution
While the Bible says God finished His work of creation, theistic evolutionists say the world is still under construction.
by Keaton Halley
Genesis: the roots of the Gospel
Why does evolution undermine the Gospel?
by Ann Lamont
From the mouths of sceptics
“From the horse’s mouth”—one has to smile when evolutionary scientists unintentionally provide strong confirmation of the views of those ‘pesky’ creationists!
by Philip Bell