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The wonderfully designed cell cycle
The cell cycle is complex and unique to larger domains of life. Mutations do not help the cell cycle but rather lead to cancer.
by Matthew Cserhati and Lita Cosner
Amino acids produced in hydrothermal vent?
Have chemical evolutionists proven that life could have evolved from non-living chemicals in hydrothermal vents?
by Jonathan Sarfati
Do mutations add information?
Mutations can add information, so why is that not evolution?
by Joel Tay
A strange idea of science
National Geographic’s ideas about the origin of life merely masquerade as science. Yet they say creationists are at war with science?!
by Lucien Tuinstra
Is the RubisCO enzyme an ineffective leftover of evolution?
Some evolutionists claim that the RubisCO enzyme is an evolutionary leftover, but when we look at the details it is obviously a design element!
by Matthew Cserhati
Do koalas prove that humans got part of their DNA from viruses?
Koalavirus likely not example of invasive genetic element but rather part of the genome’s overall design.
by Matthew Cserhati
Were stem cell-like organisms the first forms of life?
Stem cell-like ancestors of sponges only make early life more complex, and the probability of evolution less likely.
by Matthew Cserhati
Reversible autopoiesis—a foundational design principle for life’s survival
Because cells have the ability to adapt to certain stresses, such as a lack of food, they must have been functioning that way from the start.
by Alex Williams
Skin colour surprises
The genes that affect light and dark skin colour are found across the world, indicating that they were in our population before we spread out across the world at Babel.
by Robert Carter
Basics of biblical biology
While design is fundamental to biblical biology, there is more to the story …
by Shaun Doyle
DNA and bone cells found in dinosaur bone
Dino bone has DNA in just the right positions to be from the dino. But measured rates of DNA decay in bones prohibit survival for 65 million years.
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Life is in the blood
Blood is the transport system of the body that keeps everything alive and connected.
by Andrew Hodge