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When were ‘mismatched’ river courses carved?
During Noah’s Flood or the post-Flood Ice Age?
by Ron Neller
Globally extensive Cenozoic coals indicate high post-Flood boundary
Are they best explained by Noah’s Flood or by catastrophes after Noah’s Flood?
by Timothy L. Clarey, Davis J. Werner, and Jeffrey P. Tomkins
Pre-Tejas volcanism in North America: challenge to Hydroplate Theory
Does it fit the timing and order of events posed by Hydroplate Theory?
by Edward Isaacs
Ooids grew rapidly in the Flood
Ooids in the rock record differ to some extent from those that form today. The Flood can explain why.
by Michael J. Oard
Did the earth ever wobble twelve degrees?
Can the biblical framework offer a better account for the data?
by D. Russell Humphreys
The origin of the Grand Canyon by late-Flood channelized flow
Carved as the waters of Noah's Flood retreated—and not by the bursting of a later Ice Age dam.
by Michael Oard
Faith tested
A sneak preview of the editorial from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by Don Batten
The Carnian Pluvial Event
Did it really rain on Earth for 2 million years?
by Ron Neller and Tas Walker
Astounding ammonite buried in Noah’s Flood
Ammolite is a rare, iridescent, gem-quality material cut from the fossilized shells of extinct sea creatures. We have Noah’s Flood to thank for their appearance.
by Tas Walker
Gold deposits—formed by the global Flood
New research shows how gold was deposited quickly as hot colloidal liquid at depth, aided by sea water. This is consistent with the Flood and not millions of years.
by Gavin Cox
What is the origin of clastic pipes?
How Noah's Flood provides a better context for explaining their formation
by Michael J. Oard
Passive margins explained by Flood runoff
Better explained in the context of Noah’s Flood.
by Michael J. Oard