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Fantastic folds
Curvy rock layers undermine millions of years
by Gavin Cox
Growing Opals—Australian Style
Long-age icon created in weeks
by Andrew Snelling
The recent, rapid formation of the Mount Isa orebodies during Noah’s Flood
Metal ores and their enclosing sediments could have been deposited in less than 20 days!
by Andrew Snelling
Opalised fossils or pseudofossils
Can opals and opalised fossils form quickly under the right conditions?
by John Hartnett
Widmanstätten patterns in meteorites
Not a problem for the biblical timescale.
by Tas Walker
A painting 95 million years in the making
Did octopus fossil ink really survive millions of years?
by Phil Robinson
Defying deep-time dogma
Showing how cave structures don’t always form by ‘slow and gradual’ processes.
by Gavin Cox
The Florissant redwood trees deposited from a Flood log mat
How were all these huge tree trunks deposited?
by Michael J Oard
Candles turned to stone
Found deep in a mine, they help demonstrate the length of time needed to turn buried animal and plant remains into rock
by Jonathan O’Brien
Mightiest, 'multi-million-year-old' millipede
A newly discovered fossil of Arthropleura, a giant millipede, provides good evidence of having been buried during Noah’s Flood.
by Gavin Cox
Planation surfaces formed by river piracy?
Or do planation surfaces require a more catastrophic mechanism?
by Michael J. Oard
Speleothem growth
A question is asked about sceptics’ responses to creationists using speedy growth rates of speleothems under man-made structures to illustrate speedy natural cave formations
by Gavin Cox