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Ancient civilizations and modern man
For evolutionists, our ancestors must be dumb and ‘on the way’ to becoming smarter, but the evidence points rather to them being highly intelligent.
by David Criswell
False History—‘out with David and Solomon!’
by David Down
Where is Noah’s Ark?
A closer look at the biblical clues.
by D Russell Humphreys
Where was Eden?
What information does the Bible give us that might help to locate Eden?
by Lita Cosner and Robert Carter
Canaanite DNA disproves the Bible?
Fake news on Canaanite DNA ‘contradicting’ the Bible sets the science news media buzzing.
by Shaun Doyle
The search for Adam, Eve, Noah and the Flood—in Ancient Egypt?
Answering an interesting question about whether the Ancient Egyptians knew about Adam’s genealogies up to Noah and Mizraim.
by Gavin Cox
Culture clash
When Europeans encountered Aboriginals on the Australian island of Tasmania, they assumed them to be not far removed from animal ancestors because of their ‘lack’ of technology.
by Carl Wieland
Where does the biblical Nimrod fit into extrabiblical history?
by James R. Hughes
Patterns of Evidence: The Red Sea Miracle provides compelling evidence for the Bible
The third installment of Patterns of Evidence examines the question: can we really believe God parted the Red Sea?
by Lita Sanders
Why did God give us a book?
Out of all the possible modes of communication, why did God give us a book?
by Lita Sanders
The authorship of the Gospels and answering the Christ myth
Answering questions about the authorship and sources of the Gospels, and refuting some common arguments related to ‘the Christ myth’.
by Lita Sanders
The oldest example of applied geometry in the world
A newly interpreted Old-Babylonian clay tablet reveals a sophisticated understanding of mathematics and survey consistent with the biblical timeframe
by Gavin Cox