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Melbourne atheist: the exterminator
04 May 2024
Evolutionary thinking has serious logical consequences, as shown by this scientist who advocates totalitarian population control measures—and is given free rein on Australia’s ABC radio.
by Bill Muehlenberg
Can we believe the Gospels?
20 Jan 2024
One of Australia’s top legal minds examines the New Testament evidence for the Resurrection. He applies the standard criteria used by courts throughout the Western world to test the reliability of witnesses.
by Clarrie Briese
Christmas and Genesis
21 Dec 2023
How does creation relate to this season? Because the babe in Bethlehem was the Creator of the Universe!
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Atheist with a Mission
24 Jun 2023
The evolution-based attack on God by ‘new atheist’ Richard Dawkins (2006) was a best-seller, but do its arguments stack up?
by Philip Bell
Lizard losers (and winners)
15 Dec 2021
Contrary to media hype, anole lizards on the Bahamas are not evolving
by David Catchpoole
Mud experiments overturn long-held geological beliefs
05 Aug 2021
A call for a radical reappraisal of all previous interpretations of mudstone deposits
by Tas Walker
Massive graveyard of parrot-beaked dinosaurs in Mongolia
10 Jun 2021
Paleontologists puzzle about the cause of death but miss the obvious clue.
by Tas Walker
Footprint fiasco
20 May 2021
If radiometric dating is objective science then why do researchers disagree so widely over the results?
by Tas Walker and David Catchpoole
Terrible lizards trapped by terrible Flood
05 May 2021
What happened to the dinosaur struggling to maintain its course in deep flowing water?
by Tas Walker
Darkness at the crucifixion: metaphor or real history?
10 Apr 2020
In defiance of many skeptical claims, there is substantial historical evidence of a non-eclipse darkness in the middle of the day when Jesus died on the Cross.
by Daniel Anderson
Beware the bubble’s burst
13 Sep 2017
Increased knowledge about cavitation highlights the destructive power of fast-flowing water.
by David Catchpoole
The Ark Van ministry
08 Sep 2016
Travelling Australia and the world beyond talking about Noah and the Ark.
by N/A