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Multiverse theory—unknown science or illogical raison d’être?
A New Scientist columnist uses her own religious ideas to deny the existence of God, and then claims that it’s science.
by Gary Bates
New creation cosmology
Dr Humphreys’ new time dilation creation cosmology solves the distant starlight problem for relatively close stars.
by Russ Humphreys
Distant starlight, and dino and human fossils
The Horizon problem: the big banger’s own distant starlight problem, and more evidence against the big bang. Why are there no mass graveyards of human and dino fossils?
by Jonathan Sarfati and David Catchpoole
WMAP ‘proof’ of big bang fails normal radiological standards
COBE and WMAP satellite maps of cosmic microwave background fluctuations allegedly prove the big bang. But a radiology expert shows they are unreliable, miserably failing radiology standards.
by John Hartnett
‘Backwards’ comet perplexes scientists
The recent discovery of a comet dubbed ‘Dracula’ has left evolutionary scientists scratching their heads as to its origins.
by David Catchpoole
Venus: Cauldron of fire
The beautiful morning and evening star holds a fiery secret underneath its cloudy veil—a world so hot that lead will melt at its surface.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Origin of oxygen more complex than imagined
Contradictory observations mean more trouble for naturalistic theories but the problems disappear within a biblical perspective.
by Barry Tapp
Starlight and time—a further breakthrough
An Australian physics professor shows how light would have reached Earth from the most distant stars in an extremely short time, demolishing one of the major objections to biblical creation.
by Carl Wieland
Exploring the heavens
Former New South Wales (Australia) Government Astronomer (Dr David King) affirms that the heavens do indeed declare God’s glory.
by Jonathan Sarfati
A 5D spherically symmetric expanding universe is young
How do billions of years of light travel time fit into Creation Week?
by John Hartnett
Panspermia theory burned to a crisp: bacteria couldn’t survive on meteorite
Experiment shows that bugs from outer space would be burned up on entering Earth’s atmosphere, undermining a common evolutionary ‘loophole’.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Crisis in cosmology continues with conference of big-bang dissidents
CMI speaker and respected physics professor John Hartnett, who represented his university, gives his impressions.
by John Hartnett