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Page 25 of 37 (442 Articles)
Eve created from Adam’s rib
Why did God make Eve from Adam’s rib?
by Russell Grigg
Creation in-depth: The Evangelical church
Has the evangelical church lost its ‘saltiness’ in the world by abandoning the authority of Scripture?
by Andrew S Kulikovsky
Answering fools’ folly
Does the Bible contradict itself in Proverbs 26:4–5?
by David Catchpoole
A meat-eating parrot!
New Zealand’s kea is blamed for the deaths of thousands of sheep.
by Paula Weston
Was Adam more guilty than Eve?
We discuss whether the Bible says that either Adam or Eve was more guilty than the other.
by Russell Grigg
Adam and Eve: their lifespans and eternal destinies
Answering questions about the length of time before the Fall and where Adam and Eve will spend eternity.
by Keaton Halley
Karl Giberson unmasks himself
High profile theistic evolutionist Karl Giberson reveals how it is not possible to be a Darwinist and a Bible-believing Christian—if one thinks about it.
by Don Batten
To catch a kinkajou …
This south American carnivore ignores meat-baited traps, but goes bananas over bananas!
by David Catchpoole
The reality of suffering, and the Gospel confronting culture
The Gospel inevitably changes the cultures it encounters–and that’s a good thing.
by Lita Sanders
BioLogos, theistic evolution and the Pelagian heresy
In the debate over an historical Adam BioLogos revives an old heresy that leads to the destruction of the Gospel.
by Richard Fangrad
Grotesque dinosaur cannibals!
The Bible says God created animals to reproduce ‘after their kind’. But these dinosaurs ate their own kind! Go figure …
by David Catchpoole
Are there side issues in Scripture?
How do we differentiate salvation issues as opposed to others?
by Lita Sanders