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Behemoth and leviathan in the book of Job
What were they? Dinosaurs? Modern day animals? Symbolic monsters of evil?
by Mart-Jan Paul
Dinosaur bones—just how old are they really?
Bones can become permineralized within a matter of weeks.
by Carl Wieland
Dinosaur soft tissue gets ‘ironic’ response
The significant amount of soft tissue being found in dinosaur bones is causing evolutionists to grasp at straws in order to explain its existence.
by Calvin Smith
Sensational dinosaur blood report!
This 1997 report rocked the world of paleontology—how is it possible if dinosaur bones are millions of years old?
by Carl Wieland
Were dinosaurs on Noah’s Ark?
Skeptics scoff, but these beasts were onboard with Noah and his family.
by Don Batten, David Catchpoole, Jonathan Sarfati, and Carl Wieland
Radiocarbon in dino bones
International conference result censored.
by Carl Wieland
Dinosaur soft tissue and protein—even more confirmation!
Mary Schweitzer announces even stronger evidence, this time from a duckbilled dino fossil, of even more proteins—and the same amazingly preserved flexible blood vessel and cell structures as before.
by Carl Wieland
DNA and bone cells found in dinosaur bone
Dino bone has DNA in just the right positions to be from the dino. But measured rates of DNA decay in bones prohibit survival for 65 million years.
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Dinosaurs and dragons: stamping on the legends
Dragon stories from all over the world are evidence that dinosaurs have been seen by humans throughout time.
by Russell Grigg
Leviathan—real or symbolic?
Is the creature Leviathan spoken of in Job 41, the same as that mentioned in Isaiah 27 and Psalm 74?
by Lita Coosner
The so-called ‘Age of Dinosaurs’
Why there never was a ‘land before time’ millions of years ago!
by Calvin Smith
Bishop Bell’s brass behemoths!
A tomb at an English cathedral features dinosaur imagery.
by Philip Bell