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As It Is Written

The Genesis Account Literal or Literary? Dismantling the Framework Hypothesis.

Soft Cover
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Soft Cover

Product Audience:
Junior High-Adult


Kenneth L Gentry, Jr.



The framework hypothesis or literary framework view has grown in acceptance as more readers of Scripture place “science” as the authority over the interpretation of God’s Word. By re-interpreting Genesis, this view encourages Christians to disregard the plainly declared timeline of creation (the majestic march of days of Genesis 1) and instead consider it as merely figurative or poetic rather than historical and accurate. Kenneth Gentry carefully defines the framework hypothesis, while tracing its historical origins and purpose. This provides a helpful introduction both for those who know the framework hypothesis as well as any hearing the term for the first time.

This important study:

  • Presents strong exegetical arguments for the six-day creation approach to Genesis
  • Illustrates the traditional interpretation of Genesis, a survey of exegetical arguments, and responses to alleged problems
  • Demonstrates the flaws in the framework argument.

Creation Magazine
Issue 46:3

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Journal of Creation
Issue 38:1

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