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5 Signs the World is Young!
5 Signs the World is Young!

Get your free copy of The Creation Answer Book (mentioned at the end of the video) here: https://creation.com/pages/smvp-cab [https://creation.com/pages/smvp-cab] Chapter 4 deals with dating methods and the age of the earth. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You could be forgiven for thinking that the age of the earth has been established with absolute, unquestionable certainty. The scientific evidence, we are told, has conclusively shown that it is 4.543 billion years old (give or take a smidgeon). Case closed. Hold on—not so fast! Is this really ‘case closed’? What most people have NOT heard is that there are many scientists around the world who vigorously disagree with this conclusion. On what evidence? Well, they, too, say “Science!” Join one such scientist—biologist and science communicator, Dr Don Batten—for a discussion of just five (of the many) scientific evidences that point to a young earth. (Also, note the extensive supporting material in the ‘links and show notes’, below.) ✍️ LINKS AND SHOW NOTES • 101 evidences for a young age of the earth and the universe – https://creation.com/age [https://creation.com/age] • 4 Evidences for a Young Earth – https://youtu.be/y23ap4bKSi0 [https://youtu.be/y23ap4bKSi0] • Why the Earth Can’t be Old! – https://youtu.be/zSGGnx2dT3k [https://youtu.be/zSGGnx2dT3k] • Earth Can’t be Old – Answering the Critics – https://youtu.be/PFUxKgPbeDw [https://youtu.be/PFUxKgPbeDw] Evidence 1: Rock arches • The age of arches https://creation.com/age-of-arches [https://creation.com/age-of-arches] • A new mechanism to form freestanding arches questionable – https://creation.com/rock-arch-mechanism [https://creation.com/rock-arch-mechanism] • Many arches and natural bridges likely from the Flood – https://creation.com/natural-bridges [https://creation.com/natural-bridges] • A dangerous view – https://creation.com/a-dangerous-view [https://creation.com/a-dangerous-view] • Darwin’s Arch collapses … and joins a growing collection – https://creation.com/darwins-arch [https://creation.com/darwins-arch] • Another one bites the dust – https://creation.com/elephant-rock [https://creation.com/elephant-rock] Evidence 2: Salt in the sea • Salty seas: Evidence for a young earth – https://creation.com/salty [https://creation.com/salty] • Sea salt loses its savour for evolutionists – https://creation.com/sea-salt-loses-its-savour-for-evolutionists [https://creation.com/sea-salt-loses-its-savour-for-evolutionists] Evidence 3: Rock bending • Fantastic folds: Curvy rock layers undermine millions of years – https://creation.com/folded-rocks [https://creation.com/folded-rocks] • Warped earth – https://creation.com/warped-earth [https://creation.com/warped-earth] • The “folding of solid rocks” – https://creation.com/folding-rocks-and-atheists-teaching-rights [https://creation.com/folding-rocks-and-atheists-teaching-rights] • Grand Canyon strata show geologic time is imaginary – https://creation.com/grand-canyon-bends [https://creation.com/grand-canyon-bends] Evidence 4: Flat gaps • ‘Flat gaps’ in sedimentary rock layers challenge long geologic ages – https://creation.com/flat-gaps [https://creation.com/flat-gaps] • Much supposed geological time missing from strata – https://creation.com/geologic-time-missing-from-strata [https://creation.com/geologic-time-missing-from-strata] • ‘Millions of years’ are missing – https://creation.com/roth [https://creation.com/roth] • The case of the ‘missing’ geologic time – https://creation.com/misstime [https://creation.com/misstime] • The meaning of unconformities – https://creation.com/unconformities [https://creation.com/unconformities] • More than a billion years missing from the Great Unconformity at the Grand Canyon? – https://creation.com/billion-years-missing-from-great-unconformity [https://creation.com/billion-years-missing-from-great-unconformity] Evidence 5: Helium in zircon crystals and argon in feldspar • Helium evidence for a young world continues to confound critics – https://creation.com/helium-critics [https://creation.com/helium-critics] • Answer to a persistent critic of RATE helium research – https://creation.com/images/pdfs/tj/j32_3/j32_3_49-57.pdf [https://creation.com/images/pdfs/tj/j32_3/j32_3_49-57.pdf] • Argon from RATE site confirms the earth is young – https://creation.com/argon-from-rate-site [https://creation.com/argon-from-rate-site] • Argon diffusion data support RATE’s 6,000-year helium age of the earth – https://creation.com/argon-diffusion [https://creation.com/argon-diffusion] • Radiometric dating and old ages in disarray – https://creation.com/dating-disarray [https://creation.com/dating-disarray] 📚 HELPFUL RESOURCES • Thousands… Not Billions [book] – https://creation.com/s/10-2-199 [https://creation.com/s/10-2-199] • COSMOS: Created & Young! [videos] – https://creation.com/s/30-9-591 [https://creation.com/s/30-9-591] • Radioactive Dating and a Young Earth [video] – https://creation.com/s/35-8-626 [https://creation.com/s/35-8-626] • Evidence for a Young World [video] – https://creation.com/s/35-8-614 [https://creation.com/s/35-8-614] • The Dating Game [video] – https://creation.com/s/35-8-600 [https://creation.com/s/35-8-600] • The Great Turning Point [book] – https://creation.com/s/10-2-167 [https://creation.com/s/10-2-167] • Evidence for a young world [booklet] – https://creation.com/s/00-1-516 [https://creation.com/s/00-1-516] 💙 SOCIAL MEDIA ► Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/creationministries [https://www.facebook.com/creationministries] ► TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@creationministries [https://www.tiktok.com/@creationministries] ► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/creationministries [https://www.instagram.com/creationministries] ► X / Twitter: https://twitter.com/creationnews [https://twitter.com/creationnews] ► eNewsletter: https://creation.com/infobytes [https://creation.com/infobytes] 📅 EVENTS We present at hundreds of events around the world each year. To see what events are happening near you, or to request a creation presentation in your Church (or other gathering) visit: https://creation.com/events [https://creation.com/events] Thanks for watching!

17 Jul, 202424:13
Science Wouldn’t Exist Without Christianity

Science Wouldn’t Exist Without Christianity

Science requires many assumptions to work. A major one is an orderly universe. But an orderly universe doesn’t follow from an atheistic or pagan worldview. It does follow from the biblical teaching of a divine Lawmaker who is a God of order. Science first flourished in Medieval Europe thanks to the rise of the university and theologian–natural-philosopher class. The Reformation brought Christians back to objective understanding of Scripture, which was transferred to understanding nature. Later scientists like Francis Bacon were motivated by trying to recapture the knowledge they thought Adam had before his Fall. Many atheists have made false claims about Christians believing in a flat earth, opposing childbirth pain relief, and totally misrepresenting the Galileo controversy. Join us as we discuss the Christian origins of real science. ✍️ LINKS AND SHOW NOTES • Why does science work at all? – https://creation.com/whyscience [https://creation.com/whyscience] • The biblical roots of modern science – https://creation.com/roots [https://creation.com/roots] • The biblical basis for modern science – https://youtu.be/4xeG1_XSilM [https://youtu.be/4xeG1_XSilM] • Remembering the Christian roots of science – https://creation.com/christian-roots-of-science [https://creation.com/christian-roots-of-science] • Biblical history and the role of science – https://creation.com/biblical-history-and-role-of-science [https://creation.com/biblical-history-and-role-of-science] • Creationists don’t hate science – https://creation.com/creationists-dont-hate-science [https://creation.com/creationists-dont-hate-science] • Creationist contributions to science – https://creation.com/creationist-scientist-contributions [https://creation.com/creationist-scientist-contributions] • The creationist basis for modern science – https://creation.com/the-creationist-basis-for-modern-science [https://creation.com/the-creationist-basis-for-modern-science] • The name game: scientific ideas named after creationists – https://creation.com/science-name-creationists [https://creation.com/science-name-creationists] • The unexpected history of scientific naturalism – https://creation.com/review-science-without-god [https://creation.com/review-science-without-god] • Einstein’s Heroes—biblical creationists – https://creation.com/einsteins-heroes [https://creation.com/einsteins-heroes] • Quote: The Fall of Adam played a vital role in the development of Western science – https://creation.com/fall-of-adam-played-vital-role-in-development-of-western-science-harrison [https://creation.com/fall-of-adam-played-vital-role-in-development-of-western-science-harrison] • The Fall and the inspiration for science – https://creation.com/the-fall-inspiration-for-science [https://creation.com/the-fall-inspiration-for-science] 📚 HELPFUL RESOURCES • The Christian Roots of Science – https://creation.com/s/30-9-625 [https://creation.com/s/30-9-625] • How Christianity Changed the World – https://creation.com/s/10-2-685 [https://creation.com/s/10-2-685] • In Six Days: Why 50 scientists choose to believe in creation – https://creation.com/s/10-2-117 [https://creation.com/s/10-2-117] • Busting Myths: 30 Ph.D. scientists who believe the Bible and its account of origins – https://creation.com/s/10-2-605 [https://creation.com/s/10-2-605] • Creation Magazine – https://creation.com/creation-magazine [https://creation.com/creation-magazine] 💙 SOCIAL MEDIA ► Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/creationministries [https://www.facebook.com/creationministries] ► TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@creationministries [https://www.tiktok.com/@creationministries] ► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/creationministries [https://www.instagram.com/creationministries] ► X / Twitter: https://twitter.com/creationnews [https://twitter.com/creationnews] ► eNewsletter: https://creation.com/infobytes [https://creation.com/infobytes] 📅 EVENTS We present at hundreds of events around the world each year. To see what events are happening near you, or to request a creation presentation in your Church (or other gathering) visit: https://creation.com/events [https://creation.com/events] Thanks for watching!
10 Jul, 202428:38
Why Darwinism is Not a Testable Scientific Theory

Why Darwinism is Not a Testable Scientific Theory

Access Evolution’s Achilles’ Heels for FREE (mentioned at the end of the video) here: https://creation.com/pages/smvp-eah [https://creation.com/pages/smvp-eah] There is an often-repeated assertion that evolution is scientific fact, while the Bible’s account of creation is mere religious stories or myths. However, it might be surprising to learn that there is some ‘storytelling’ included in the paradigm of evolution. You see, scientists from the evolutionary and creation paradigm both start from a particular worldview. And the worldview drives their interpretation of the facts. An evolutionary bias results in a natural focus on their presumption which leads to interpretations that ignore scientific evidence that supports biblical creation. In this discussion you will learn how the very nature of real science gives us a better understanding of why scientists come to very opposing conclusions. You’ll also get a taste of some simple scientific facts that stand in complete opposition to that idea that evolution is a scientific fact. You see, believing the Bible is not a ‘blind faith’. ✍️ LINKS AND SHOW NOTES • ‘It’s not science’: Is evolution ‘science’ and creation ‘religion’? – https://creation.com/its-not-science [https://creation.com/its-not-science] • “This changes everything!” The right perspective makes a big difference – https://creation.com/right-perspective-interpreting-data [https://creation.com/right-perspective-interpreting-data] • Faith and facts: How a biblical worldview makes best sense of the evidence – https://creation.com/faith-and-facts [https://creation.com/faith-and-facts] • Darwin’s impact—the bloodstained legacy of evolution – https://creation.com/darwins-impact [https://creation.com/darwins-impact] • G.K. Chesterton: Darwinism 'Is an Attack on Thought Itself' – https://creation.com/chesterton [https://creation.com/chesterton] • Darwinism and World War One – https://creation.com/ww1 [https://creation.com/ww1] • Science Questions and Answers – https://creation.com/science [https://creation.com/science] • Dinosaur soft tissue – https://creation.com/dinosaur-soft-tissue [https://creation.com/dinosaur-soft-tissue] • How the Joggins polystrate fossils falsify long ages – https://creation.com/joggins [https://creation.com/joggins] • Folded rocks – https://creation.com/folded-rocks [https://creation.com/folded-rocks] • Little-known facts about radiometric dating – https://creation.com/dating-reality [https://creation.com/dating-reality] • Diamonds—are the really that old? – https://creation.com/age-of-diamonds [https://creation.com/age-of-diamonds] 📚 HELPFUL RESOURCES • Evolution: Good Science? (book) – https://creation.com/s/10-2-553 [https://creation.com/s/10-2-553] • Dismantled: A Scientific Deconstruction of the Theory of Evolution (DVD) – https://creation.com/s/30-9-694 [https://creation.com/s/30-9-694] • Evolution’s Achilles’ Heels (book + DVD) – https://creation.com/s/.90-7-640 [https://creation.com/s/.90-7-640] 💙 SOCIAL MEDIA ► Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/creationministries [https://www.facebook.com/creationministries] ► TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@creationministries [https://www.tiktok.com/@creationministries] ► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/creationministries [https://www.instagram.com/creationministries] ► X / Twitter: https://twitter.com/creationnews [https://twitter.com/creationnews] ► eNewsletter: https://creation.com/infobytes [https://creation.com/infobytes] 📅 EVENTS We present at hundreds of events around the world each year. To see what events are happening near you, or to request a creation presentation in your Church (or other gathering) visit: https://creation.com/events [https://creation.com/events] Thanks for watching!
03 Jul, 202425:12
Why Evolution Can't Explain Morality

Why Evolution Can't Explain Morality

Get your free copy of The Creation Answer Book (mentioned at the end of the video) here: https://creation.com/pages/smvp-cab [https://creation.com/pages/smvp-cab] There are many different ways to logically show that God must exist. One approach is called the ‘moral argument’. It shows that objective morals (i.e. moral standards that are not derived from human beings, but stand above them) clearly exist, and that God is the only reasonable explanation for them. Join apologist and speaker, Keaton Halley, to find out why! ✍️ LINKS AND SHOW NOTES • Can atheism possibly explain morality and reason? – https://creation.com/atheism-morality-reason [https://creation.com/atheism-morality-reason] • Evolution cannot take credit for morality – https://creation.com/evolution-of-morality [https://creation.com/evolution-of-morality] • Atheism—no objective morality? – https://creation.com/atheism-no-objective-morality [https://creation.com/atheism-no-objective-morality] • Evolution: No morality (Dawkins quote) – https://creation.com/evolution-no-morality-dawkins [https://creation.com/evolution-no-morality-dawkins] • Can we be good without God? – https://creation.com/good-without-god [https://creation.com/good-without-god] • What is ‘good’? (Answering Euthyphro Dilemma) – https://creation.com/euthyphro [https://creation.com/euthyphro] • Morals decline linked to belief in evolution – https://creation.com/moral-decline [https://creation.com/moral-decline] • Why believe in objective morals? – https://creation.com/objective-morals [https://creation.com/objective-morals] • Arguments for God: Moral argument – https://creation.com/arguments-for-god#moral [https://creation.com/arguments-for-god#moral] • Answering a moral relativist – https://creation.com/answering-moral-relativist [https://creation.com/answering-moral-relativist] • Morality and Ethics Questions and Answers – https://creation.com/morality [https://creation.com/morality] • How did bad things come about? – https://creation.com/cab-6 [https://creation.com/cab-6] • Why would a loving God allow death and suffering? – https://creation.com/why-death-suffering [https://creation.com/why-death-suffering] • If God is Good, Why Do Bad Things Happen? https://youtu.be/QcFtxelG9N8 [https://youtu.be/QcFtxelG9N8] • Why Does God Allow Death & Suffering? – https://youtu.be/PJ4MDgROfg4 [https://youtu.be/PJ4MDgROfg4] • Death and Suffering Questions and Answers – https://creation.com/death-questions [https://creation.com/death-questions] 📚 HELPFUL RESOURCES • Why would a loving God allow death and suffering? [booklet] – https://creation.com/s/00-1-545 [https://creation.com/s/00-1-545] • Beyond the Shadows [book] – https://creation.com/s/10-2-576 [https://creation.com/s/10-2-576] • Walking Through Shadows: A Testimony (video) – https://creation.com/s/30-9-579 [https://creation.com/s/30-9-579] • Why Does a Good God Allow Bad Things? (video) – https://creation.com/s/30-9-623 [https://creation.com/s/30-9-623] • Please Nana ... What is death? [children’s book] – https://creation.com/s/10-1-560 [https://creation.com/s/10-1-560] 💙 SOCIAL MEDIA ► Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/creationministries [https://www.facebook.com/creationministries] ► TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@creationministries [https://www.tiktok.com/@creationministries] ► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/creationministries [https://www.instagram.com/creationministries] ► X / Twitter: https://twitter.com/creationnews [https://twitter.com/creationnews] ► eNewsletter: https://creation.com/infobytes [https://creation.com/infobytes] 📅 EVENTS We present at hundreds of events around the world each year. To see what events are happening near you, or to request a creation presentation in your Church (or other gathering) visit: https://creation.com/events [https://creation.com/events] Thanks for watching!
26 Jun, 202431:55
Why the Creation-Evolution Issue is so Important!

Why the Creation-Evolution Issue is so Important!

Get your free copy of The Creation Answer Book (mentioned at the end of the video) here: https://creation.com/pages/smvp-cab [https://creation.com/pages/smvp-cab] Should Christians bother with the biblical account of origins and the creation/evolution debate? Isn’t it just a distraction from more important biblical matters—like the Gospel? In this interview, creation apologist and speaker, Scott Gillis, explains why the origins debate matters for Christians—and for everyone. It is not just a side issue! And failure to answer people's questions in this area impacts their openness to the Gospel! Find out why! ✍️ LINKS AND SHOW NOTES • Creation: Why It Matters – https://creation.com/creation-why-it-matters [https://creation.com/creation-why-it-matters] • Street preacher says creation ‘is the issue’: It’s time for the church to stop avoiding the questions people want answers to – https://creation.com/street-preacher-says-creation-is-the-issue [https://creation.com/street-preacher-says-creation-is-the-issue] • ‘Just preach the Gospel!’ or: how not to impress atheists – https://creation.com/just-preach-gospel [https://creation.com/just-preach-gospel] • Genesis: the roots of the Gospel – https://creation.com/genesis-root-of-the-gospel [https://creation.com/genesis-root-of-the-gospel] • Creation: Timely tool for today’s evangelist – https://creation.com/creation-timely-tool-for-todays-evangelist [https://creation.com/creation-timely-tool-for-todays-evangelist] • The importance of creation in evangelism – https://creation.com/importance-creation-evangelism [https://creation.com/importance-creation-evangelism] • Learning the lessons of Mount St Helens — https://creation.com/lessons-from-mount-st-helens [https://creation.com/lessons-from-mount-st-helens] • Buried birth – https://creation.com/buried-birth [https://creation.com/buried-birth] • Two histories of death – https://creation.com/two-histories-of-death [https://creation.com/two-histories-of-death] • ‘It’s not science’ – https://creation.com/its-not-science [https://creation.com/its-not-science] 📚 HELPFUL RESOURCES • Creation magazine – https://creation.com/mag [https://creation.com/mag] • A Brief, but True, History of Time (streaming) – https://creation.com/s/35-8-576 [https://creation.com/s/35-8-576] • Is Genesis History? (streaming) – https://creation.com/s/35-8-688 [https://creation.com/s/35-8-688] • Elephants in the Room (streaming) – https://creation.com/s/35-8-590 [https://creation.com/s/35-8-590] 💙 SOCIAL MEDIA ► Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/creationministries [https://www.facebook.com/creationministries] ► TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@creationministries [https://www.tiktok.com/@creationministries] ► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/creationministries [https://www.instagram.com/creationministries] ► X / Twitter: https://twitter.com/creationnews [https://twitter.com/creationnews] ► eNewsletter: https://creation.com/infobytes [https://creation.com/infobytes] 📅 EVENTS We present at hundreds of events around the world each year. To see what events are happening near you, or to request a creation presentation in your Church (or other gathering) visit: https://creation.com/events [https://creation.com/events] Thanks for watching!
20 Jun, 202432:32

Ongoing Series


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