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Evolutionism is not appropriate for anyone - a response to Bill Nye

Evolutionism is not appropriate for anyone - a response to Bill Nye

Bill Nye "The Science Guy" and Big Think have produced an emotional video ( [] ) challenging parents to restrict their children's education by censoring important scientific information against evolution. This parody by Creation Ministries International challenges Bill Nye's one-sided views. Think Bigger.
12 Jul, 202303:51
‘Species’ vs ‘Kinds’ on Noah’s Ark

‘Species’ vs ‘Kinds’ on Noah’s Ark

Noah's Ark could not fit all of today's species. Rather, it took the biblical 'kinds' from which today's species descended. For more details watch the entire episode at: [] Yes, speciation happens, but it is not evolution. For more details see the articles here: []
03 May, 202302:05
How big was Noah's Ark?

How big was Noah's Ark?

Noah's Ark had ample space for everything it was required to carry. Watch the entire episode at: []
26 Apr, 202301:30
Jesus ‘faked’ his own resurrection?

Jesus ‘faked’ his own resurrection?

The theory that Jesus never actually died but revived while in the tomb and then 'faked' his own resurrection is one of the skeptics most laughable theories. For more details watch the entire episode at: []
29 Mar, 202302:20
The theological inconsistency of an old Earth

The theological inconsistency of an old Earth

Does God consider violent death, pain, diseases and cancer good? Not according to Scripture. But in old-earth theology these things had been going on for millions of years, as recorded in the fossil record, including when God called His creation 'very good'. For more details watch the entire episode at: []
08 Mar, 202302:23
Why radiometric dating methods give false dates

Why radiometric dating methods give false dates

Accelerated nuclear decay causes most dates that rely on steady decay rates to be drastically inflated. For more details watch the entire episode at: []
08 Jun, 202201:22
It’s a great time to be a Christian!

It’s a great time to be a Christian!

Many seem to think Christianity is for simple, uneducated people who are out of touch with science. This week we share a little of the growing, positive evidence for the truth of creation and Christianity. It really is a great time to be a Christian!
15 Dec, 202123:56
Practical evangelism with evangelist Henry De Roos

Practical evangelism with evangelist Henry De Roos

Dynamic street evangelist Henry De Roos gives practical advice on how to use evidence about God’s creation to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
24 Nov, 202123:36
How theistic evolution affects Christian theology

How theistic evolution affects Christian theology

Some evolution-believing Christians have declared that the theory of evolution is compatible with the Christian faith. Can evolution be blended with the Bible? This episode takes a close look at the damage this kind of thinking has inflicted on the church, Christian theology and the average person’s perception of God.
13 Oct, 202124:01
Questioning the Bible is NORMAL

Questioning the Bible is NORMAL

Most Christians go through a stage where they question the accuracy of the Bible. This is normal! It provides an opportunity for more mature Christians to guide them to the answers. Watch the entire episode at: []
20 Sep, 202103:28
Life “self-assembles”? Really?

Life “self-assembles”? Really?

Leading evolutionists propose bizarre theories to avoid a Creator God. Watch the entire episode at: []
30 Aug, 202103:03
The value of teaching the evidence that supports Scripture

The value of teaching the evidence that supports Scripture

Atheists use evidence to (attempt to) support their false worldview, inoculating many people against the truth. However, there is abundant evidence for Christianity. Sharing this with non-believers and new Christians often has a dramatic impact on their faith. Watch the entire episode at: []
14 Jul, 202102:20
Four kinds of faith

Four kinds of faith

Not all 'faith' is the same. Here's a helpful overview of different kinds of faith. Watch the entire episode at: []
28 Jun, 202106:23
Four decades of creationist research to grow your faith

Four decades of creationist research to grow your faith

Evidence for biblical creation is a part of apologetics that has seen massive growth over the past 40 years. Today there are mountains of evidence that support the biblical account of a recent creation and a global flood. People with doubts about this area of Scripture can find answers! Watch the entire episode at: []
16 Jun, 202103:56
Five atheist miracles

Five atheist miracles

Do atheists believe in miracles or magic? They would say no, but believing that everything can develop without a supernatural creator requires it.
19 May, 202125:23
Was Jesus wrong about creation?

Was Jesus wrong about creation?

Jesus referred to the Genesis creation account as happening recently. But if God created over millions of years could Jesus be mistaken about creation?
21 Apr, 202124:31

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