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Change is not enough - it is the type of change that matters

Change is not enough - it is the type of change that matters

It's often claimed that evolution is simply change over time. And since change over time can be seen everywhere, then evolution is obviously true. But highly trained creation scientists say there is much more to it than that.
12 Nov, 201201:00
Junk DNA

Junk DNA

When sequences of DNA which did not appear to code for protein were discovered, some evolutionists suggested that these represented 'junk' or 'vestigial' DNA, left-overs of our supposed evolutionary ancestry.
11 Apr, 201200:47
Dr Robert Carter with Jim Cantelon

Dr Robert Carter with Jim Cantelon

CMI's Dr Robert Carter is interviewed by Jim Cantelon of 100 Huntley Street. Dr Carter's PhD is in Marine Biology. He currently works as a scientist, researcher, writer and speaker for CMI-US. See for thousands of articles that show how the latest scientific discoveries support creation.
21 Mar, 201214:59
Would Darwin be a Darwinist today?

Would Darwin be a Darwinist today?

For more details visit: []
09 Aug, 201109:59
What The Schools Are Teaching

What The Schools Are Teaching

Have you ever wondered what textbooks are teaching about living things, as opposed to what the Bible teaches? It should not surprise you that they are opposites, but it might surprise you, that the textbooks contain outright falsehoods. You too should know the lies, so you can help your families, answer our church youth and the unbelieving world. In Dr Jackson’s usual dynamic style he will help you easily identify many of these.
15 Jul, 2011
"How Textbooks Mislead" Dr Don Batten

"How Textbooks Mislead" Dr Don Batten

Do you know what your children learn in school? Dr Don Batten investigates the evolutionary teaching in a typical biology text used in senior high school. The textbook uses many deceitful, out-of-date and even fraudulent arguments to indoctrinate students in evolution (everything made itself without a Creator). Be prepared to equip our youth with answers!
30 Mar, 2010

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