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Tree ring dating

Tree ring dating

Trees are among the oldest living things on the planet. Some say longer than biblical Creation would allow. Dendrochronology is the science dealing with the study of the rings of trees in determining the dates and chronological order of past events. Learn why it is a help rather than a hindrance to the biblical chronology.
29 Jun, 202223:57
Examples of failed radiometric dates

Examples of failed radiometric dates

Actual samples where the dates obtained were wrong. Can this dating method ever be trusted? For more details watch the entire episode at: []
22 Jun, 202201:46
Why radiometric dating methods give false dates

Why radiometric dating methods give false dates

Accelerated nuclear decay causes most dates that rely on steady decay rates to be drastically inflated. For more details watch the entire episode at: []
08 Jun, 202201:22
Radiometric back flips - How solid are those dates?

Radiometric back flips - How solid are those dates?

A popular myth is that radioactive dating methods confirm the geologic time-scale and the concept of human evolution. The methods appear so impressive that many Christians accept them as evidence that the earth is very old. Many have been taught that radiometric dating methods are absolute. But exactly how solid are those dates?
11 May, 202224:17
Radiohalos ruin radiometric dating

Radiohalos ruin radiometric dating

Radiohalos are the result of nuclear decay. They provide powerful evidence that the earth is young and radiometric dating is highly inaccurate.
03 Mar, 202123:55
Scientific evidence for a recent creation

Scientific evidence for a recent creation

All dating methods involve making assumptions. But many scientific dating methods, with reasonable assumptions, do not support deep time and an old universe. Hundreds of dating methods support a young earth and recent creation of the universe.
22 Jan, 202024:44
Radiohalos ruin radiometric dating

Radiohalos ruin radiometric dating

Radiohalos are the result of nuclear decay. They provide powerful evidence that the earth is young and radiometric dating is highly inaccurate.
18 Oct, 201828:30
Dating methods candle analogy

Dating methods candle analogy

A simple analogy illustrating the differences between methods of determining past events.
16 Nov, 201604:29
Tree ring dating

Tree ring dating

Trees are among the oldest living things on the planet. Some say longer than biblical Creation would allow. Dendrochronology is the science dealing with the study of the rings of trees in determining the dates and chronological order of past events. Learn why it is a help rather than a hindrance to the biblical chronology.
12 Oct, 201628:30
Helium is a problem for the radiometric dating of rocks

Helium is a problem for the radiometric dating of rocks

Helium gas is renowned for its ability to diffuse through materials quickly. Why is it, then, that we find an abundance of helium in certain rock crystals—that it has not managed to escape from them? This has significant implications for the dating of rocks using radioactive decay. That’s because helium is formed when some radioisotopes decay, and therefore lots of helium suggests lots of decay has occurred. Moreover, if lots of decay has occurred, it also suggests that the rock is very old. However, Nuclear Physicist Dr Russell Humphreys realised that lots of helium trapped in the rock crystals that had not had time to diffuse out means that the rocks were actually young. Dr Humphreys concluded that nuclear decay rates must have been dramatically faster in the recent past, and that is why rocks that are actually only thousands of years old are commonly wrongly dated using radioisotope decay as millions or billions of years old.
05 Aug, 201601:01
Unacceptable radiometric dates

Unacceptable radiometric dates

Radiometric dates are overturned when evolution theory disagrees with them. (So they are not the 'absolute' dating methods they are supposed to be.)
01 Jun, 201601:36
Radiometric back flips; How solid are those dates?

Radiometric back flips; How solid are those dates?

A popular myth is that radioactive dating methods confirm the geologic time-scale and the concept of human evolution. The methods appear so impressive that many Christians accept them as evidence that the earth is very old. Many have been taught that radiometric dating methods are absolute. But exactly how solid are those dates?
11 May, 201628:32
Old Earth creationists must accept human death before Adam

Old Earth creationists must accept human death before Adam

God describes His original creation as "very good". The Bible reveals that there was no death of (nephesh) animals or people before Adam sinned. But Christians who accept faulty dating methods must accept that there was human death before Adam. Thus destroying the Gospel. (Rom 5:12)
09 Mar, 201601:14
Carbon14 in Coal? It shouldn’t be there!

Carbon14 in Coal? It shouldn’t be there!

Carbon-14 is an unstable form of carbon that decays into nitrogen 14 at a measured rate-and this forms the basis of carbon-14 dating. In 2003 a group of researchers performed an unusual test on 10 coal samples obtained from Pennsylvania State University. The researchers wanted to see if carbon-14 could be detected in the coal samples. This test might be considered 'unusual' because carbon-14 decays relatively fast, and should not be detectable after a maximum of 90,000 years. Yet the coal samples tested came from strata allegedly ranging in age from 37 million to 318 million years. The laboratory results were clear: all of the 10 coal samples contained carbon-14; and similar amounts. This seriously undermines the evolutionary dates for the rock strata containing the coal, because the presence of carbon-14 affirms that the coal samples cannot be millions of years old. The results fit nicely with the coal forming from vegetation that was buried in Noah’s Flood. To find out more from Creation Ministries International visit our website
19 Aug, 201501:01
Physics and creation - an interview with physicist Dr Jim Mason

Physics and creation - an interview with physicist Dr Jim Mason

Can a physicist, who has a detailed knowledge of radiometric dating, really accept a recent creation? Find out in this revealing interview with physicist Dr Jim Mason as we discuss physics, dating methods and the Higgs boson 'God particle'.
28 May, 201428:31
Dating the Earth - How old is it?

Dating the Earth - How old is it?

If someone decided to bake a cake to celebrate the earth's birthday, how many candles should they put on it? Some people contend that you'd need 4.5 billion, because they believe the earth is that old.
10 Jan, 201401:00

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