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Evolutionism is not appropriate for anyone - a response to Bill Nye

Evolutionism is not appropriate for anyone - a response to Bill Nye

Bill Nye "The Science Guy" and Big Think have produced an emotional video ( [] ) challenging parents to restrict their children's education by censoring important scientific information against evolution. This parody by Creation Ministries International challenges Bill Nye's one-sided views. Think Bigger.
12 Jul, 202303:51
How to graduate with your faith intact (Creation Magazine LIVE! 8-12)

How to graduate with your faith intact (Creation Magazine LIVE! 8-12)

Many students reject Christianity by university, but increasing numbers retain their faith. We reveal the highly effective tips that can help students thrive.
29 Jul, 202028:41
Evolution and education- How to survive in a secular system

Evolution and education- How to survive in a secular system

State run school systems teach evolution as fact. And most children from Christian homes go to state schools. What can a student do to defend their faith in such a hostile environment? How can parents prepare their children? We discuss practical tips and real life examples in this episode.
10 Jun, 201528:31
Evolution and pop culture

Evolution and pop culture

This episode examines how pop culture influences the debate about origins. Evolution permeates not only educational institutions but also the media and entertainment industries. Many popular books, movies, video games and TV shows draw on evolutionary ideas. This week we highlight some of the evolutionary themes in popular culture.
07 May, 201428:31
Creation and public education

Creation and public education

The public education system only endorses one view of origins. Would it be better if the scientific evidence for creation was also taught? Would it be more 'fair?
26 Feb, 201428:31
Why does the evidence always point to evolution?

Why does the evidence always point to evolution?

The book of Romans says that the evidence of God's creation is 'clearly seen' by all and that people are 'without excuse' for their disbelief (Romans 1:20). If evidence for creation is that obvious, why then does it seem that public education and media almost always present evidence as pointing to an evolutionary conclusion?
29 Jan, 201428:31
Should evolution be taught in public schools?

Should evolution be taught in public schools?

Some Christians believe that evolution should not be taught in public schools. However, Creation Ministries isn't against the teaching of evolution—however, it should be taught warts and all! That is, not only the evidence for it, but the growing evidence against it.
10 Apr, 201200:58
What The Schools Are Teaching

What The Schools Are Teaching

Have you ever wondered what textbooks are teaching about living things, as opposed to what the Bible teaches? It should not surprise you that they are opposites, but it might surprise you, that the textbooks contain outright falsehoods. You too should know the lies, so you can help your families, answer our church youth and the unbelieving world. In Dr Jackson’s usual dynamic style he will help you easily identify many of these.
15 Jul, 2011

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