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Belgian Blue Cows - evidence of 'de-volution'

Belgian Blue Cows - evidence of 'de-volution'

If Arnold Schwarzenegger had a pet cow, I can almost guarantee it would be a Belgian Blue. These cows are incredibly muscled and have very little fat. Many people think of this breed as evolution in action—because a mutation in its DNA has brought about a supposed improvement.
30 Oct, 201301:00
Sickle Cell Anemia -- not evidence for evolution

Sickle Cell Anemia -- not evidence for evolution

In some parts of Africa, it is actually an advantage to have mutated, oddly-shaped red blood cells.
16 Apr, 201300:59
Genetic Mutation - Magnificent Modifier or Mega Meltdown?

Genetic Mutation - Magnificent Modifier or Mega Meltdown?

Special guest, former atheistic evolutionist Dr John Sanford provides remarkable insights into new discoveries in genetics that powerfully support a recent creation of humans and no evolution.
07 Feb, 201328:31
Evolution's Failed Predictions

Evolution's Failed Predictions

What do mice and fruit flies have in common? On the surface, you'd not think much, but geneticists have discovered that some of their genes are practically identical. Discoveries like this are often touted as proof of evolution because the similar genes supposedly show that mice and fruit flies are related.
01 Feb, 201300:59
Parasitic DNA in the human genome?

Parasitic DNA in the human genome?

Is the human genome full of parasites? This might seem like a ridiculous question but some researchers suggest that it is. The human genome project revealed a large number of transposable elements. These DNA segments copy themselves and move around the genome. Some scientists claim they serve no function and have dismissed them as parasitic DNA. Some evolutionary scientists claim that similarities with chimps in these supposedly useless bits prove evolution. But new research shows they have functions. One study revealed that transposable elements activate during embryo development in mice, to control gene expression. Another study revealed they activate in gene dense regions to control gene expression. They are not spread randomly throughout the genome as previously thought. So DNA isn't full of parasites at all, but rather many sophisticated ways to control gene expression.
02 Jan, 201300:59
The Kennel Club - A 'parade of mutants'

The Kennel Club - A 'parade of mutants'

In 2008, the BBC produced a controversial documentary on the harmful effects of pedigree dog shows. According to the documentary, many dog owners are causing dangerous levels of in-breeding; this results in dogs with crippling genetic deformities. One RSPCA vet said, "What I see in front of me is a parade of mutants. It's some freakish, garish beauty pageant."
04 Dec, 201200:59
Change is not enough - it is the type of change that matters

Change is not enough - it is the type of change that matters

It's often claimed that evolution is simply change over time. And since change over time can be seen everywhere, then evolution is obviously true. But highly trained creation scientists say there is much more to it than that.
12 Nov, 201201:00
Pain in Pedigree Pups

Pain in Pedigree Pups

The breeding of pedigree dogs is causing them to suffer great pain. According to Steve Jones, Professor of genetics at University College London, some dog breeds are "paying a terrible price in genetic disease". One award-winning Cavalier King Charles spaniel was even suffering from a condition where its skull was too small for its brain. Following Darwin, evolutionists often claim that selection—artificial or natural—is a creative force that can change microbes into microbiologists. However, in selecting one animal or plant over another, the genes of the non-selected one are lost. So selection gets rid of genetic information; it does not create it. For evolution to be believable, natural selection would need to create new genes with the specifications for all the features that humans have and microbes don't. Natural selection happens in today's world, but it is not capable of changing microbes into mankind.
30 Oct, 201201:00
Genesis: key to a Christian worldview

Genesis: key to a Christian worldview

Have you ever stared at something and thought about how God created every single atomic particle in it—from nothing— and designed the mechanisms and forces by which the particles would bond together to form materials? The power and intelligence of the Creator are astounding!
11 Oct, 201201:00
Junk DNA

Junk DNA

When sequences of DNA which did not appear to code for protein were discovered, some evolutionists suggested that these represented 'junk' or 'vestigial' DNA, left-overs of our supposed evolutionary ancestry.
11 Apr, 201200:47
Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Most evolutionists believe that 2 non-chickens mated and the DNA in their new zygote contained the mutations that produced the first true chicken.
19 Mar, 201200:53
Human evolution or extinction

Human evolution or extinction

Research in recent years by leading (evolutionist) geneticists has revealed catastrophically high mutation rates in humans. This would be a good thing if mutations really cause upward evolution. Instead the human race is plunging toward extinction. Based on data from genetics humans could not have been evolving for millions of years, we would already be extinct.
23 Feb, 201214:07
The Mystery of Our Declining Genes

The Mystery of Our Declining Genes

One of the world’s foremost experts on genetics traces the history of human genetic decline due to mutations in our DNA. The evidence is startling to those who don’t believe in the Genesis account of Creation because it refutes conventional dates for alleged human evolution. This is powerful evidence for the Bible’s timescale for human history.
20 Apr, 2011
"Models, Genes & Global Warming" Dr John Baumgardner

"Models, Genes & Global Warming" Dr John Baumgardner

John Baumgardner’s computer modelling of how rapid plate tectonics occurred during the great Flood drew world acclaim. He now turns this same expertise to mapping and modelling new data from the exciting field of genetics, and ecological changes that have occurred since the Flood, and it is good news for the Creation model.
30 Mar, 2010
"Mitochondrial Eve & the 3 'Daughters' of Noah" Dr Rob Carter

"Mitochondrial Eve & the 3 'Daughters' of Noah" Dr Rob Carter

The Bible records three historical biblical “main events” that would have left an indelible mark on our genetic makeup: Creation, the Flood, and the Tower of Babel. Exciting research in modern genetics actually underlines the reality of these events, if you expect to find the evidence and go looking for it (but you have to know where to look!).
30 Mar, 2010

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