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Effective Evangelism in an Evolutionized World

Effective Evangelism in an Evolutionized World

Jesus and Paul linked important doctrines to a real, historical Genesis. This episode explores tips on telling others the truth about how to be saved, considering that many think the Bible cannot be trusted.
12 Jun, 201328:19
Where do the fossils fit?

Where do the fossils fit?

How old are fossils? When was the fossil record produced? Could fossils have existed when God called His creation "very good"? The answer to these questions have profound effects on the Gospel. Tune for the answers in this mind expanding episode.
03 Apr, 201328:20
Roman Road begins in Genesis

Roman Road begins in Genesis

The Gospel is often summarized by key verses in Romans. This is referred to as the 'Roman Road' to salvation. Key concepts from Genesis form the foundation for this Roman Road. However, the theory of evolution contradicts many of those concepts. Tune in to discover the lost path to the Roman Road.
23 Jan, 201328:31
Refuting Compromise -- a creation "classic"

Refuting Compromise -- a creation "classic"

What are the theological consequences of adding millions of years to Genesis? How does it impact doctrines such as the Gospel, sin, the atonement?
18 Dec, 201200:34
Things to think about as a theistic evolutionist

Things to think about as a theistic evolutionist

When CMI speakers are out speaking they are often challenged by fellow Christians that have become convinced of evolution and claim that God used evolution to create. Richard and Calvin show what atheists and Bible sceptics say about this position (theistic evolution). Does adding millions of year of evolution to Genesis really help when sharing the Gospel? Watch and see!
14 Jun, 201230:33


What does the Bible say about dinosaurs? You will be surprised how much! And the real world evidence fits the Bible’s real history of the world from the beginning, and it includes these amazing creatures. See how we can use dinosaurs to teach age-old gospel truths. Both children and adults will love this entertaining and informative presentation.
25 Apr, 2011
"Creation Evangelism in an 'Islam-Aware' World" Dr David Catchpoole

"Creation Evangelism in an 'Islam-Aware' World" Dr David Catchpoole

Terrorist attacks against the West by so-called “Islamic extremists” embolden atheists to cry “religion is bad!”, and then they rail against Christianity. In such an environment, how can Christians hope to effectively proclaim the gospel? A crucial key, as examples show, is to face the origins issue head-on, which is foundational to every belief system.
30 Mar, 2010

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