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Abortion justified in rape cases?

Abortion justified in rape cases?

Is rape a legitimate exception for abortion? What are the alternatives? For more discussion about abortion watch the entire episode at: []
18 Oct, 202301:33
Abortion: A Matter of Choice?

Abortion: A Matter of Choice?

Does anyone have the right to murder an innocent human? Pro-choice arguments for abortion are refuted in this episode.
11 Oct, 202324:56
Refuting the 'famous violinist' argument for abortion

Refuting the 'famous violinist' argument for abortion

A refutation of Judith Jarvis Thomson's 'Famous Violinist argument for abortion.
04 Sep, 202302:12
The Bible describes the pre-born as people

The Bible describes the pre-born as people

According to God, a pre-born baby is a person, not something on the way to becoming a person.
02 Aug, 202301:35
Abortion: A Matter of Choice?

Abortion: A Matter of Choice?

Does anyone have the right to murder an innocent human? Pro-choice arguments for abortion are refuted in this episode.
19 Jul, 202329:02
Evolutionism is not appropriate for anyone - a response to Bill Nye

Evolutionism is not appropriate for anyone - a response to Bill Nye

Bill Nye "The Science Guy" and Big Think have produced an emotional video ( [] ) challenging parents to restrict their children's education by censoring important scientific information against evolution. This parody by Creation Ministries International challenges Bill Nye's one-sided views. Think Bigger.
12 Jul, 202303:51
Famous evangelist rejects Christianity

Famous evangelist rejects Christianity

Adding 'millions of years' into the biblical creation account in Genesis caused this famous evangelist to reject Jesus. For more details watch the full episode at: []
22 Feb, 202303:05
Geniuses in the genealogies

Geniuses in the genealogies

If evolution was true, the further back into history we look should reveal a gradual decline in man’s intelligence. Science shows otherwise. Man, created in God’s image, has always been intelligent.
11 Jan, 202324:09
Struggling to let go of a historical Adam

Struggling to let go of a historical Adam

According to evolution humans evolved over millions of years from pond scum; we are not descendants of Adam. Christians who believe evolution recognize that if there is no historical Adam the Gospel collapses. It is so much easier just to believe Scripture concerning creation, a literal, historical Adam, and the mountains of scientific and historical evidence that supports it. Watch the entire episode at: []
18 May, 202202:47
Atheists: Adam must be real or Christianity fails

Atheists: Adam must be real or Christianity fails

Even atheists know that Adam must be historical, unlike some theologians who think he could be symbolic. Watch the entire episode here: []
13 Apr, 202202:11
What the Reformers believed about Genesis

What the Reformers believed about Genesis

Contrary to what many popular Old Earth Creationists have said, the Reformers held to a ‘Young Earth’ position. Examine the documented quotes from these esteemed theologians that put to rest any doubt as to their biblical creationist position.
30 Mar, 202224:10
Was Darwin a Plagiarist?

Was Darwin a Plagiarist?

Charles Darwin is often presented as a brilliant, iconic figure who singlehandedly changed the scientific landscape. His picture is on the British ten pound note, and he is looked up to by many as a great scientist. But research over the last 100 years reveals a different story.
23 Feb, 202223:43
Is the evidence for deep time really rock solid?

Is the evidence for deep time really rock solid?

For many people the age of the earth is a settled issue. Even many creationists believe the earth is millions of years old. But the original, main geological arguments used to solidify the concept of ‘deep time’ in the 1800’s have been abandoned today. It is time to re-examine the ‘millions of years’.
15 Sep, 202123:19
One human family – interview with Dr Carl Wieland

One human family – interview with Dr Carl Wieland

This episode provides a fascinating look at human culture through the eyes of one of the fathers of the modern creation movement. Author, speaker and founder of Creation magazine Dr Carl Wieland is our guest.
28 Jul, 202123:46
Do we all come from two people?

Do we all come from two people?

Many scientists say that the evidence from genetics incontrovertibly shows humans did not originate from a single pair. This episode looks at specific arguments by bible skeptics and shows how wrong they are.
09 Jun, 202123:33
How did people live so long before the flood?

How did people live so long before the flood?

Research in genetics gives clues to how people before Noah's Flood lived to nearly 1000 years. Watch the entire episode at: []
31 May, 202103:24

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