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Evidence against evolution the Miller-Urey experiment

Evidence against evolution the Miller-Urey experiment

Today, many people still think this famous experiment solved the challenge of the origin of life. Instead it highlighted even more problems. Watch the entire episode here: [] For more information see: []
11 Oct, 202301:47
Evolutionism is not appropriate for anyone - a response to Bill Nye

Evolutionism is not appropriate for anyone - a response to Bill Nye

Bill Nye "The Science Guy" and Big Think have produced an emotional video ( [] ) challenging parents to restrict their children's education by censoring important scientific information against evolution. This parody by Creation Ministries International challenges Bill Nye's one-sided views. Think Bigger.
12 Jul, 202303:51
No death before sin, but what about plants?

No death before sin, but what about plants?

Death entered the world after sin, but Adam and Eve ate plants before sin. Clearly plants 'died' before sin. In this short clip we explain how this does not violate the 'no sin before death' principle. For more details watch the whole episode at: []
10 May, 202301:58
A Christian view of geology, paleontology, and death

A Christian view of geology, paleontology, and death

A Christian/biblical view of history includes a Christian view of the sciences that relate to the creation/evolution debate. For more details watch the entire episode at: []
12 Apr, 202303:09
The theological inconsistency of an old Earth

The theological inconsistency of an old Earth

Does God consider violent death, pain, diseases and cancer good? Not according to Scripture. But in old-earth theology these things had been going on for millions of years, as recorded in the fossil record, including when God called His creation 'very good'. For more details watch the entire episode at: []
08 Mar, 202302:23
Genesis: the seedbed of all Christian doctrine

Genesis: the seedbed of all Christian doctrine

Is Genesis really important to today’s Christian? Without Genesis could we still have a good understanding of Christianity’s main teachings? Find out how and why Genesis relates to Christian doctrines.
19 Oct, 202223:53
The Irrational Faith of Evolution

The Irrational Faith of Evolution

The creation/evolution debate is often described as ‘science VS faith’. However, everyone lives by faith. This episode explores several types of faith and shows how belief in evolution fits the category of irrational faith.
24 Aug, 202223:25
Atheists: Adam must be real or Christianity fails

Atheists: Adam must be real or Christianity fails

Even atheists know that Adam must be historical, unlike some theologians who think he could be symbolic. Watch the entire episode here: []
13 Apr, 202202:11
Did animals die before Adam sinned?

Did animals die before Adam sinned?

God described His original creation as 'very good' but did that include the death of animals before Adam sinned? We explore the implications of animals dying before the Fall.
16 Mar, 202224:27
6-day creation: Irrelevant to the Gospel?

6-day creation: Irrelevant to the Gospel?

Does belief in old earth creation or young earth creation impact the Gospel? If so, how? If not, are these topics side issues? How important are they really? Should they be included in your church's Statement of Faith?
09 Feb, 202224:19
Practical evangelism with evangelist Henry De Roos

Practical evangelism with evangelist Henry De Roos

Dynamic street evangelist Henry De Roos gives practical advice on how to use evidence about God’s creation to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
24 Nov, 202123:36
What did the Son of God believe about Creation?

What did the Son of God believe about Creation?

Continuing on from previous episodes, “What the church fathers believed about Genesis” and, "What the Reformers believed about Genesis”, we now examine the words of the Son of God in His written revelation to us. What did Jesus believe about Genesis?
17 Nov, 202123:00
Why trust the Bible's morality if it cannot get its history right?

Why trust the Bible's morality if it cannot get its history right?

If the Bible doesn't accurately record 'earthly things' that we could verify today (like the effects of a global flood) then how can it be trusted on morality or the 'heavenly/spiritual things'. Watch the entire episode at: []
18 Oct, 202101:57
The Bible’s historical accounts are important, and refute evolution

The Bible’s historical accounts are important, and refute evolution

Key doctrines of Christianity are based on historical events, including a historical Genesis. If those events didn't happen Christianity crumbles. Watch the entire episode at: []
27 Sep, 202102:48
CMI’s role in the body of Christ

CMI’s role in the body of Christ

There are many good Christian organizations in the world today doing vital work. Where does Creation Ministries fit into all this and why are they worthy of support? This week we examine the critical role CMI plays in evangelism and the church.
16 Dec, 202023:37
What would we know about creation if we only had the New Testament?

What would we know about creation if we only had the New Testament?

Many Christians feel that Genesis is a side issue and that modern Christians should just focus on New Testament teachings. What would we know about origins if we only studied the New Testament?
04 Nov, 202023:17

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