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Exposing the truth about creationists

Exposing the truth about creationists

Skeptics claim Christians can’t do real science because of their faith and some believers say we don’t need science, just faith. So, do we believe 6-day creation because of science or because of the Bible?
15 Jul, 202025:12
Honey — A Healing Gift from the Creator

Honey — A Healing Gift from the Creator

Honeybees do not have the benefit of a university education, yet they perform the multiple, complex functions needed to produce honey, and handle complex organic chemistry with ease. Such complexity does not arrive by fortunate happenstance. Honeybees operate using pre-installed programs that only work if all the elements are in place from the word ‘go!’
14 Jul, 202011:35
Objection… Overruled!

Objection… Overruled!

Questions and objections to the Genesis creation account continue to lead many people away from Christianity. We tackle some of popular questions showing how evidence from science and history supports the Bible. Who did Cain marry? How did ‘bad things’ arise? Where are all the human fossils? How did people live so long before the flood? Who were the Nephilim? Where did all the races come from?
17 Jun, 202024:54
Origins and the Gospel (Creation Magazine LIVE! 8-02)

Origins and the Gospel (Creation Magazine LIVE! 8-02)

Continuing from last week, what was the world like before sin? Are science and faith actually incompatible? How do beliefs about where we came from affect morality?
12 Mar, 202028:41
Genesis and the Gospel

Genesis and the Gospel

Continuing from last week, what was the world like before sin? Are science and faith actually incompatible? How do beliefs about where we came from affect morality?
11 Mar, 202024:49
Making sense of science, faith and Genesis (Creation Magazine LIVE! 8-01)

Making sense of science, faith and Genesis (Creation Magazine LIVE! 8-01)

Is creation/evolution a side issue for Christians? Does it have any impact on the Gospel? We’ll provide some clarity about the links between scientific discoveries and beliefs about the creation/evolution issue.
29 Feb, 202028:41
We Are Less Than Dust

We Are Less Than Dust

We are made up of 99.99999999% empty space, so how can humans, or anything else, be ‘seen’ or ‘felt’? When we see something, what we are detecting is the light (an electromagnetic wave) reflecting from the surface of the object.
21 Nov, 201911:38
Faith and facts

Faith and facts

Do faith and facts relate to each other at all? Is there evidence for Christian faith? Yes! A biblical worldview is the best fit for the facts.
27 Nov, 201828:30
How long were the Genesis days?

How long were the Genesis days?

Could the Genesis creation days be millions of years long? Join us as we dive into the language of the biblical text and discover how long God took to create the universe.
17 Jan, 201828:30
Pastor Joe Boot - Hold the Line on Biblical Authority

Pastor Joe Boot - Hold the Line on Biblical Authority

Rev Dr Joe Boot, Founder of the Ezra Institute, delivers powerful message about Genesis and the authority of Scripture at a CMI fundraising dinner.
28 Dec, 201659:41
Genesis: A case study for biblical authority

Genesis: A case study for biblical authority

Christians will quote Scripture as plainly written to justify belief in the events leading up to the crucifixion and the resurrection. However, in regarding the creation account, there is a much greater tendency to give authority to extra-biblical ideas rather than going strictly with the text. This episode uses Genesis chapters 1-11 as a case study for biblical authority.
17 Aug, 201628:30
Practical evangelism with evangelist Henry De Roos

Practical evangelism with evangelist Henry De Roos

Description Dynamic street evangelist Henry De Roos gives practical advice on how to use evidence about God’s creation to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
08 Apr, 201528:31
Teaching creationism is child abuse? (Part 1)

Teaching creationism is child abuse? (Part 1)

Dr Lawrence Krauss calls teaching creationism to children 'child abuse'. He wants to censor any conclusions that contradict his beliefs about atheism and evolution over millions of years. However, he doesn't seem to grasp foundational aspects of the origins debate. Teaching lies to children is wrong. They need to be taught the truth about the world around us and what life is all about.
07 Aug, 201307:06

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