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Homology, dermatomes, and pentadactyl limbs
Do dermatomes make little sense unless humans evolved from other vertebrates?
by Philip Bell
Doubts about design and the resurrection
Showing how it's reasonable to doubt universal common ancestry and accept that Jesus' tomb was empty.
by Shaun Doyle
Doppelgänger protein ‘Signal Recognition Particle 14’ refutes evolution
Present problems for evolution.
by Matthew Cserhati
The history of flying machines
What does it tell us about the evolution of flight?
by Stuart Burgess
Do lizards and snakes form separate apobaramins?
Are lizards and snakes a part of the same biblical ‘kind’?
by Matthew Cserhati
Baraminology suggests cryptic relationships among Caprimulgiformes
Is the bird order Caprimulgiformes a single created kind?
by Matthew Cserhati and Jon Ahlquist
Baraminology data filtering method based on entropy measurement and its application in dinosaur and cephalopod data sets
Applying a data filtering method to help clarify created kinds in dinosaur and cephalopod datasets.
by Matthew Cserhati
Divine design denies evolution
To the unprejudiced, unexpectedly diverse instructions in fly embryos and recently discovered leg springs in flea beetles argue powerfully for Created design.
by Gavin Cox
Did the ear bones of mammals really evolve from the jawbones of reptiles?
Evolution of bones in middle ear in mammals unheard of.
by Matthew Cserhati
Placental versus Marsupial: A tale of two ‘wolves’
It’s not right to blame the dingo, just for the sake of promoting the evolutionary storyline.
by David Catchpoole
Dino-bird theory—a flight of fancy
The controversial theory with a long history of competing concepts that is no closer to being resolved than it was in Darwin’s day.
by Jerry Bergman and Philip Snow
Developmental genetics supports creation theory
Evolutionists try to define homology by how it is explained, not by how it is observed.
by Walter ReMine