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Page 22 of 37 (437 Articles)
Pole vaulting and creation
Why does a pole-vaulting champ think that biblical Creation is vital for the Gospel?
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Seven ways to build a lighthouse
Equipping your children with as much information as possible is the best antidote to the onslaught they will face in a secular classroom.
by Tricia Wright
Paying homage to the stork
What would it take to get you to disbelieve Christianity? One author ‘puts it on the line’ as to why the evolutionary ‘big picture’ so violently contradicts the Gospel.
by Clifford Goldstein
The Bible: is it guilty until proven innocent?
Challenge the assumption that we should be skeptical about Scripture!
by Lita Sanders
Is Christianity unbelievable?
When Christian radio host goes head-to-head with many leading atheists and critics of Christianity, does it leave his faith intact? You be the judge.
by Thomas Fretwell
The importance of the age of things
A sneak preview of the editorial from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by Don Batten
Does creation damage Christianity’s credibility?
Do compromising interpretations of Genesis help apologetics?
by Lita Sanders
Is it ok to be a Christian and believe in evolution?
Can you be a Christian and believe in evolution?
by Joel Tay
The death of my beloved wife
Death will come to all of us unless Christ returns, so how can we be comforted after the death of a loved one?
by Clarence Janzen
Animal death before the Fall
Does God care anything about animal death and suffering? The Bible says ‘yes’. It’s part of God’s nature.
by Paul Price
Christian theology and the rise of Newtonian science—imposed law and the divine will
How God’s sovereign freedom undergirds the scientific enterprise.
by Dominic Statham
What would life be like without creation ministries?
It causes people to think about the issues by making them realize that there is an issue to think about in the first place.
by Gary Bates