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Veteran creation biologist Dr Wayne Frair
discusses his experiences as a creationist student in zoology departments of several universities
by Wayne Frair
Religion in schools?
A high school student thinks it’s a good thing that religion isn’t allowed in public schools. But is that really the case?
by Lita Sanders
Indoctrinating children
The UK’s National Secular Society does not want religious creationism taught in schools, but they are OK with religious humanism being taught.
by Jim Mason
Is there a future for Christian education?
Religious discrimination is rampant against creationists: the Texas Higher Education Coordination Board’s decision to deny the ICR Graduate School the right to grant accredited advanced degrees is one example.
by Chris Ashcraft
The Timeless Art of Violin Making; A Brief History
The Timeless Art of Violin Making; A Brief History
by Christopher R. Vasquez
‘Why doesn’t my argument work?’
Dealing with the frustration of our best arguments falling on deaf ears.
by Shaun Doyle
Evangelical Christian leaders promote evolution
Lecturers from Christian training institutions reject plain reading of Genesis.
by Adrian Bates
Animals on the Ark
Various old-earth positions have loads of trouble figuring out why God put animals on the ark!
by Paul Price
Senseless cynical censorship
A campaign organized by the British Humanist Association, of 46 leading scientists and organizations, is pressuring the Welsh Government to ban creation in Welsh schools
by Gavin Cox
The great educational experiment
Why using public money for school education is dangerous to children.
by Jenny Arms
Seven ways to build a lighthouse
Equipping your children with as much information as possible is the best antidote to the onslaught they will face in a secular classroom.
by Tricia Wright
Does creation damage Christianity’s credibility?
Do compromising interpretations of Genesis help apologetics?
by Lita Sanders