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Living fossils: a powerful argument for creation
Dr Carl Werner discovered that the world’s museums contain fossils of many of today’s creatures, but found in ‘dinosaur’ rock. Why aren’t these fossils on display?
by Don Batten
‘Lost world’ animals—found!
Cave drawings brought to life by exciting discoveries.
by Carl Wieland
Fossils in the wrong place?
Yes and no!
by Michael Oard
Gladiator—an ‘extinct’ insect is found alive
‘How often do you get to investigate a fossil that has come to life?’ asks one scientist. Good question.
by David Catchpoole
Evolutionary Stasis
Are scientists guilty of using language that serves to distort or disguise the facts?
by Philip Bell
Correcting the headline: ‘Coelacanth’ yes; ‘Ancient’ no
Instead of ignoring news reports with an evolutionary ‘spin’, we can ‘de-evolutionise’ them for powerful use in outreach.
by David Catchpoole
Dinosaurs are almost certainly extinct
We have had decades to verify the many claims that dinosaurs are still alive today, but to date none of those have panned out.
by Robert W. Carter, Gary Bates, Jonathan Sarfati
The mysterious giant squid
Despite scoffers over the years, the ‘legends’ and ‘stories’ about these creatures from seafarers are actually based on fact.
by Paula Weston and Carl Wieland
Bugs in brine
The Discovery of DNA in bacteria in ancient salt crystals shows they cannot be millions of years old.
by Don Batten
The ‘Lazarus effect’: rodent ‘resurrection’!
Looking for something different? Try an Asian food market. You might be surprised …
by David Catchpoole
Evolutionists can’t dodge ‘Living Fossils’
Things staying the same pose a problem evolution, which is about fantastic changes. See how evolutionists dodge the evidence.
by Don Batten
‘Living fossils’ enigma
Gingko trees, crocodiles, horseshoe crabs, coelacanth fish, tuatara lizards, Lingula lamp shells and Neopilina molluscs haven’t changed in at least a hundred million years. How come?
by David Catchpoole