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Chimps ‘natural killers’ after all
As evolutionists ponder the propensity of chimps to kill other chimps, they are not rushing to the conclusion that this explains why humans kill humans.
by Carl Wieland
Why would a designer leave debris floating in space?
Are cratered planetary landscapes and moonscapes, and colliding galaxies, evidence against an Intelligent Designer?
by Andrew Sibley
When atheism seems easy
How should we respond when amoral atheism feels easy to believe?
by Shaun Doyle
Five Atheist miracles
Atheists actually believe in miracles without any reasonable cause for them.
by Don Batten
Evolution cannot take credit for morality
Answering the claim that morality can arise through a naturalistic evolutionary process.
by Keaton Halley
UK Prime Minister addresses Climate Change, but undermines Christian doctrines
In a speech on Climate Change the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson undermined a basic Christian doctrine relating to the status, duties and rights of mankind.
by Andrew Sibley
Life on this planet is fleeting
Sir David Attenborough is a highly accomplished man, but wrong about things like God’s existence and evolution; what about environmental and climate issues?
by Lucien Tuinstra
Kiwi conservation conundrum
Does evolution hinder conservation efforts for the kiwi?
by Mark James
Alien Treaty
Should we make a treaty with aliens that might have advanced weapons and could destroy us before we know it? Who would sign it; for the people, for the aliens?
by Lucien Tuinstra
The BBC TV series Darwin’s Dangerous Idea
Leading presenter Andrew Marr’s 3-part TV series adulates Darwin and his ideas, but makes some important admissions about their tragic consequences.
by Philip Bell
Yet another synthetic life claim?
Scientists once again have claimed to created artificial living cells? What does this really mean for chemical evolution?
by Jonathan Sarfati
Prewired language processing
Humans are born with brains 'prewired' to see words. How can evolutionists explain this?
by James R. Hughes