Feedback 2012
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What do the atheopaths have to hide?
19 May 2012
Skeptics who refuse to reveal their name—do they have something to hide, or something to fear?
by David Catchpoole, Don Batten
Is God a particle-wave duality?
04 Nov 2012
Mixing biblical metaphor with the physics of light is not enlightening.
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
The glasses of ‘deep time’
01 Jul 2012
The assumption of long ages determine the results because it is assumed before the evidence is considered.
by Dr Tas Walker, Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Why should science make it difficult to believe the Bible?
19 Aug 2012
A commenter claims that discoveries about the universe make the Bible hard to believe, causing him to feel that God is distant from us.
by Gary Bates
Thinking biblically about termites and lizards
14 Oct 2012
Only when we use the Bible consistently as our foundation can we properly make sense of life.
by Shaun Doyle, Don Batten
Does the UFO phenomenon marginalize the Christian worldview?
29 Jan 2012
Christians are often marginalized by UFO/ET adherents because of their spiritual view of the phenomenon. So what’s the best way to reach this group of UFO ‘true believers’?
by Gary Bates
Abortion, brain development, and brain death
11 Mar 2012
Does an embryo become a person only once brain cells begin developing?
by Carl Wieland
Alien Intrusion helps experiencer to make sense of childhood ‘visitations’
08 Jul 2012
Finding out the truth about this phenomenon gives comfort to many who have experienced it.
by Gary Bates
Other possible mechanisms for abiogenesis and evolution?
08 Sep 2012
Evolution is unlikely from a scientific perspective not just because of a lack of evidence, but also because what we know works against it.
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Will humans explore the stars?
18 Feb 2012
And colonize other planets?
by Lita Cosner, Gary Bates
The mental furniture of ‘deep time’
12 Feb 2012
Throwing out the really old furniture.
by Don Batten
Are Christians truly moral or obedient out of fear?
11 Aug 2012
Christianity is often characterized as a religion of fear. However true ‘fear of God’ is quite different from what many think.
by Dominic Statham