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Can’t see the Flood for the sediment
04 Jan 2008
A massive dinosaur ‘graveyard’, discovered in eastern Spain, speaks of enormous flooding, death and destruction. Remind you of anything?
Noah’s comet?
02 Jan 2008
Was Noah’s Flood a tsunami caused by a comet impact?
C.S. Lewis and the Great Myth
01 Jan 2008
They love the Myth so take care how you expose it.
Biblical Archaeology: Year 2007 in review
28 Dec 2007
It’s been a big year for biblical archaeology, from the seal of Jezebel to the discovery of Nehemiah’s wall.
by Daniel Anderson
This compass points in the wrong direction
27 Dec 2007
This fantasy movie, of the Narnia genre, is based on the first part of a trilogy written by an atheist to promote his religion to children.
Godwit makes record Pacific flight
21 Dec 2007
Electronic tracking reveals precision navigation and engineering excellence
Curved spines and pregnant primates
19 Dec 2007
Researchers highlight one more example of design, but give evolution the credit, as always. So far, ho hum, same old story. But there’s another issue…
You bet there’s an impact!
14 Dec 2007
Is the creation issue having a negative or positive effect on evangelism?
Hibernation, Migration and the Ark
12 Dec 2007
A tiny marsupial that can hibernate for over a year—should we use this to help ‘explain’ the feasibility of a year-long journey by animals on the Ark?
by Carl Wieland
CSI ... and CMI
11 Dec 2007
What has a crime scene investigation to do with the creation evolution issue? More than you might think.
Hadrosaur hi-jinx
07 Dec 2007
A very well preserved fossil hadrosaur challenges ideas about dinosaur morphology. Could it have unfossilised soft tissue as well?
Christians, planning your next retreat? How about an advance instead?
04 Dec 2007
Calvin Smith makes a sobering assessment of Christianity in Western society today and issues a clear challenge to action.
by Calvin Smith