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Egyptian history and the biblical record: a perfect match?
23 Jan 2007
The historical accounts in Genesis and Exodus are often attacked on the basis of the ‘secure’ Egyptian chronology—but scholars are increasingly discovering that this is itself on shaky ground.
by By Daniel Anderson
Darkness at the crucifixion: metaphor or real history?
10 Apr 2020
In defiance of many skeptical claims, there is substantial historical evidence of a non-eclipse darkness in the middle of the day when Jesus died on the Cross.
by Daniel Anderson
Anti-slavery activist William Wilberforce: Christian hero
20 Feb 2007
How biblical Christians were at the forefront of the abolition of slavery 200 years ago, while pro-slavers told them to keep their religion out of politics.
by Jonathan Sarfati
C.S. Lewis and evolution
27 Apr 2007
Lewis is one of the most popular Christian writers and thinkers of all time. So where did he stand on the question of origins, creation/evolution and the like?
Atheist with a Mission
24 Jun 2023
The evolution-based attack on God by ‘new atheist’ Richard Dawkins (2006) was a best-seller, but do its arguments stack up?
by Philip Bell
Stalin’s ape-man Superwarriors
04 Apr 2012
The ruthless dictator’s dream of a race of ape-human hybrids to use as ‘cannon fodder’—fantasy or plausible history?
by Russell Grigg
Is Genesis poetry / figurative, a theological argument (polemic) and thus not history?
30 Nov 2007
The ‘Genesis is poetry’ (Framework Hypothesis) idea is thoroughly self-inconsistent and nebulous, but also undermines the Gospel at its foundations.
by Dr Don Batten, Dr David Catchpoole, Dr Jonathan Sarfati and Dr Carl Wieland
Jesus Fish/Darwin Fish
01 Jul 2009
Opponents of Christian faith have parodied the ancient symbol of the Christian faith, the ‘Jesus fish’. Their creations underline the significance of evolutionary doctrine to unbelievers, which Christians cannot ignore.
by Grant Williams
Genesis—the seedbed of all Christian doctrine
11 May 2007
A compact, point-by-point demonstration of the oft-stated and important claim that virtually all Christian doctrine is dependent on, or founded in, the history in the book of Genesis.
by Russell Grigg
Global warming (or climate change): what is ‘the creationist view’?
03 Jan 2007
How should creationists handle the hot topic of anthropogenic global warming?
by Carl Wieland
Darwin and eugenics
18 Mar 2009
Many evolutionists claim that ‘Social Darwinism’ is a distortion of Darwin’s teaching. Yet he clearly held to many social Darwinist views, and his cousin and son promoted eugenics.
by Bill Muehlenberg
Christmas and Genesis
21 Dec 2023
How does creation relate to this season? Because the babe in Bethlehem was the Creator of the Universe!
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati