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God’s days vs man’s days?

S.K. from the United States writes in response to Our young solar system, wondering why we ‘limit’ God to six-day creation. , responding with comments interspersed, points out that it’s not about what God could do; it’s about what God said he did.

Max Alexander, STFC, SPL7326-stonehenge-sunrise

In the last part of your post, you mention how the universe is only about 6,000 years old.

Indeed we do. See How does the Bible teach 6,000 years? But really, you should have searched the site first, not only because that is what you affirmed you did before posting, but also because it is normal courtesy to find out what and why someone believes something before criticizing.

How is that the case when the telescopes pick up light from objects millions and billions of lightyears away? The fact that the light is reaching us is proving that the universe is at least as old as the distance is long that the light crosses.

No it doesn’t. Big bangers likewise have too many light years per year, and recognize this as the Horizon Problem. See Light-travel time: a problem for the big bang.

If there is some info you have to dispute that, please let me know.

Indeed, see Chapter 5 of the Creation Answers Book, which covers:

  • How can we see distant stars in a young universe?
  • If the universe is young and it takes millions of years for light to get to us from many stars, how can we see them?
  • Did God create light in transit?
  • Was the speed of light faster in the past?
  • Does this have anything to do with the ‘big bang’?

I also don’t understand why it is so hard to imagine that the “days” in the bible are different in length from the “days” we experience.

I do: because Exodus 20:8–11 makes it clear that the creation days are the same length of days as those of our working week, and the grammar and related Scriptural context supports this. See The numbering pattern of Genesis and Chapter 2 of the Creation Answers Book, which covers:

  • Six days? Really?
  • Are the days of creation ordinary days? Could they be long periods of time?
  • Why six days? Is Genesis Poetry?
  • Does the length of the days really affect the Gospel?
  • How can there be ‘days’ without the sun on the first three days?
  • Does Genesis 2 contradict Genesis 1?
  • What about the framework hypothesis?
There are a great many things that we as humans cannot comprehend about God.

Indeed, but even more, it’s hard to comprehend that some humans think they know better than what God actually said He did!

One of which may be the time it took God to make everything. God, who is infinite, could count a day as a hundred million of our days or more or less.

The point is that Scripture is God’s revelation to man, so what God means must be what man means, and God’s logic must be man’s logic, or there is no revelation! See Why is CMI so dogmatic on 24-hour creation days? and especially the section The days were ‘God’s days’ not ‘man’s days’.

SK: God, as an infinite being can be anywhere, everywhere, anywhen, and everywhen.

Indeed He can. You might be interested in this feedback response to a critic about God’s “omni—” attributes.

In that sense what right do any of us have to say that anything is exactly this way in what God meant?

Because no one in CMI is questioning what God could do, but believing what He said He did. But apparently you believe that God is incapable of communicating historical truth.

Just questions that have been on my mind. Thank you for your time.

You’re welcome, but in future it would be good if you could spend some time using our search button on the top right (we have almost 9,000 articles) and our Q&A pages. I.e. it’s better that I teach you how to fish than give you a fish.

First published: 24 November 2013
Re-featured on homepage: 19 August 2023

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