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The Amazing Stone Bears of Yorkshire
The notion that petrification processes take thousands of years blown out of the water in a matter of weeks.
by Monty White
Triceratops soft tissue
Triceratops soft tissue found and carbon dated
by Joel Tay
Mammoth—riddle of the Ice Age
These huge creatures are used for evolutionary propaganda, but they can best be explained from a biblical worldview.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Neandertal-Human Hybrids:
Neandertals interbreeding with humans proves they are the same kind, but many long-age compromisers deny their humanity, leading to huge theological problems and outright bizarrity.
by Fred Butler
‘Earliest’ fossil ‘forest’ surprisingly complex
Further study of a previously-decreed ‘simple’ and ‘early’ fossil forest shows more complexity than assumed.
by Michael J Oard
Radiometric backflip
The discovery of bird tracks in ‘Late Triassic’ rocks once again puts a big question mark over the veracity of long-age radiometric techniques
by Jonathan O'Brien
The caring Neandertal
The portrayal of a Neandertal as a human-like, dim-witted creature is stripped away when the facts are examined.
by A.J. Monty White
Media bias hides the significance of Alaskan hadrosaur finds
Why don’t the media admit that Alaskan hadrosaur bones are not turned to stone, as would be expected in millions of years?
by Paul Price
What to make of Homo naledi?
Homo naledi is another case of selective interpretation of the evidence to ‘prove’ evolution of man from apelike ancestors.
by Marc Ambler
Precambrian rabbits—death knell for evolution?
Richard Dawkins says a rabbit fossil in the Precambrian would be evidence against evolution, but would that really be the case?
by Shaun Doyle
Pollen problem
Dinosaur dioramas in museums and children’s books on dinosaurs should now include flowers.
by Don Batten
More evidence Australopithecus was an extinct ape
Despite mounting evidence that the bones of a claimed human ancestor are in fact an extinct ape, evolutionists won’t give up on a prized ‘missing link’.
by Michael J. Oard