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The Salt Range saga
The Salt Range of Pakistan has yielded some very interesting fossils—that according to evolution should not have been found!
by Paul Price
The giant that shouldn’t be
This huge dicynodont means evolutionary history needs revising—again!
by Phil Robinson
Do these skulls prove common ancestry between apes and humans?
Do these skulls prove common ancestry between apes and humans?
by Joel Tay
‘Surprising’ lizards in amber
Thirty-eight fossil lizards reckoned to be 20 million years old—so well-preserved you can see whether their eyes are open or shut.
by David Catchpoole
Famous living fossil ‘link’ idea fizzles further
Famous living fossil ‘link’ idea fizzles further
by Carl Wieland
Dinosaur footprint treasure trove found in Britain
How quickly did they form?
by Phil Robinson
The origin of the Carboniferous coal measures—part 2: The logic of lycopod root structure
Part 2: The logic of lycopod root structure
by Joanna F. Woolley
Distant starlight, and dino and human fossils
The Horizon problem: the big banger’s own distant starlight problem, and more evidence against the big bang. Why are there no mass graveyards of human and dino fossils?
by Jonathan Sarfati and David Catchpoole
Spot the difference
The Woolly Mammoth
The unique conditions and short timespan of the biblical Ice Age explain how Wooly Mammoths were buried and preserved.
by Michael Oard
Fish that ‘fly’
Feathered pterosaurs: ruffling the feathers of dinosaur evolution
Ruffling the feathers of dinosaur evolution.
by Joel Tay