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Confusion over moon origins
19 Jan 2018
Evolutionists continue to wrestle with just how our nearest lunar neighbour was formed … and their explanations are unsatisfactory.
by Michael J. Oard
Using Bible history to interpret the rocks and landscapes
18 Jan 2018
A powerful way to change your view of the world.
by Tas Walker
Nice theologians leading the church away from the truth
16 Jan 2018
They may appear to be genuine shepherds, but many are leading their flocks astray.
by Don Batten
Nebraskan deer mice—evolution’s latest ‘icon’?
30 Jun 2021
A colour mutation that camouflages deer mice against a sandy background is a great example of natural selection.
by David Catchpoole
How can we tell when the Bible condones what it records?
13 Jan 2018
The Bible contains records of people doing terrible things. How can we tell when the Bible gives us negative versus positive examples?
by Lita Sanders
Impacts and Noah’s Flood—how many and other issues
12 Jan 2018
A model of the catastrophic events at the time of Noah’s Flood includes multiple asteroid impacts.
by Wayne Spencer
Why CMI doesn’t answer all your questions
11 Jan 2018
CMI is an information ministry—so why are there questions we don’t answer?
by Lita Sanders
Correcting a cultist with truth and grace
09 Jan 2018
Many Christians are intimidated by false religions, but the most loving thing we can do is point people to the truth.
by Lita Sanders
Oxygen in comet atmosphere undermines billions of years
08 Jan 2018
Space probe Rosetta finds oxygen gas found in coma of comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko
by Jonathan Sarfati
Initial reviews rave: Alien Intrusion is another hit for CMI!
04 Jan 2018
Alien Intrusion: Unmasking a Deception is in theaters across the US on 11 January 2018. Listen to why these pastors think you need to see it.
by Lita Sanders
Aliens in your bedroom?
03 Jan 2018
The truth is out there .... if you really want to know.
by Mike Matthews
Spacecraft Earth
02 Jan 2018
We are all space travelers—and Spacecraft Earth helps us understand our place in God’s universe.
by David Coppedge and Gary Bates