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NCSE Gives ‘Favorable’ Review of The Voyage the Shook the World
08 Feb 2011
Anti-creationists praise aspects of Darwin: the Voyage, but have to milk some criticisms, which turn out to be rather trivial or unjustifiable.
by Dr Robert Carter
Tortoises of the Galápagos
12 Jul 2023
Among the creatures most readily associated with the iconic evolutionary status of the Galápagos Islands are these lumbering armoured reptiles.
by Lita Cosner and Jonothan Sarfati
Does CMI think women are inferior?
05 Feb 2011
A correspondent claims that CMI’s articles are demeaning to women; we respond.
by Lita Sanders
Vintage Journal: The Carboniferous floating forest
04 Feb 2011
To celebrate the silver jubilee of Journal of Creation this year, we showcase some of the Journal’s significant contributions to the creationist movement.
by Joachim Scheven
Transhumanism—mankind’s next step forward?
03 Feb 2011
The theory of evolution has spawned many anti-God philosophies. A new concept called Transhumanism is emerging as a unifying concept for many of them.
by Calvin Smith
The Creation Foundation
02 Feb 2011
We hope you enjoy this sneak preview of the editorial from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the printed magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by Tas Walker
Challenge to the churches
01 Feb 2011
What can the creation message do for churches and individuals? Well one staffer at CMI-UK/Europe, with a passion borne of having repeatedly seen good fruit over a number of years, has written the following cri de coeur…
by Tim Matthews
The illusion of millions of years
31 Jan 2011
The Bible’s history has no need for millions of years, which turns out to be an illusion.
by Gordon Howard
Can compromisers really be saved?
29 Jan 2011
CMI often says that creation compromisers can be saved; are we wrong?
by Lita Sanders
Aligning tool used in the assembly of actin filaments
28 Jan 2011
Another amazing example of nano-scale design
by Giovanie Adams
‘Carnivorous’ dinosaurs had plant diet
27 Jan 2011
Theropods, the dino group that includes T.rex, were all predators, right? No, about half of them had a salad diet! See also how they challenge dino-to-bird dogma.
by Jonathan Sarfati and Liita Cosner
From the beginning of the creation
27 Jan 2016
Does Genesis imply a gap between verses 1 and 2 of chapter 1 into which Christians can fit long ages?
by Russell Grigg