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Challenge to creationists:
14 Nov 2009
Is the panda’s thumb an example of natural selection increasing diversity?
by David Catchpoole and Carl Wieland
Reclaiming the peppered moth
05 Jul 2021
The capacity for dark colouring is now known to be in each moth; and its caterpillar can detect twig colour through its skin, changing its colour to match.
by Joel Tay
Natural Selection in Paradise
14 May 2020
The fact that some organisms reproduce more than others, depending on the environment, means that natural selection will be operating in the world before Adam sinned and death and suffering entered in.
by Robert Carter
Creation taught in school religion classes
06 Jul 2010
Evolutionists aghast that Scripture teachers say the Christian faith is true
by Russell Grigg
Monkeying around with cloning
01 Feb 2018
New monkey clones made the same way as Dolly the sheep. What happened, what should we think of this, and how would it apply to humans?
by Jonathan Sarfati
A fallacious philosophical work
24 Jul 2015
Author Conor Cunningham asserts that biblical creationists are critical, cynical and heretical. But does he back up such serious claims with any evidence?
by Mary Beth De Repentigny
Why were the Reformers burned?
13 Aug 2009
Modern evangelical Christians might be surprised to learn of what was, and is, at stake. How many would be prepared to similarly resist, to the point of death, today?
by Neil Moore
Life in light of the resurrection
31 Mar 2018
The Resurrection of Jesus is not less than a historical event. But it is also more—it is a reality that should permeate our entire lives as believers.
by Lita Sanders
The Flood was historically global, not hyperbolically global
07 Feb 2020
A review of The Lost World of the Flood by Tremper Longman III and John H. Walton.
by Keaton Halley
Stone Age Atlantis
14 Sep 2009
Beneath the Solent—the channel of water separating the Isle of Wight from mainland England—is a ‘Stone Age’ settlement with some technological surprises.
by Shaun Doyle
Father’s Day and the Christian connection
15 Jun 2014
Meet the Christian mother behind the tradition that has become known as Father’s Day
by Graham McDonald
Fantastic miniature space lander invented
22 Apr 2015
A complex flying machine has scientists struggling to explain how it could have come into existence.
by Wilf Douglas