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Angkor saw a stegosaur?
22 Sep 2008
A stone carving of a dinosaur at the ancient ruins of Angkor raises the question: how could anyone living 800 years ago have known what a dino looked like?
by David Catchpoole
Patriarchs of the forest
01 Feb 2017
How reliable are the dating methods that say living trees are thousands of years old?
by Gary Bates
Migration after the Flood
12 Mar 2013
Observations of biogeography fit the biblical account of Earth history better than the evolutionary story.
by Dominic Statham
Bone building: perfect protein
16 Nov 2006
For bones to deposit the hard calcium mineral in the right place, they need the protein osteocalcin. Recent discovery of its crystal structure shows that it binds calcium in exactly the right geometry for proper crystal growth.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Do you know the laws of the heavens?—
28 Oct 2016
Long before ‘modern science’ emerged, the Bible accurately described the hydrologic cycle of our planet.
by Ron Neller
What about bad things done by the Church?
28 Apr 2014
Some facts about evolutionary atrocities, and how to refute skeptics who complain about alleged biblical or Christian ones.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Engineer goes back to school
29 Jun 2009
A 1st-class Honours degree in Geology boosted (not harmed) this young-earth creationist’s confidence in the Bible.
by Don Batten
Refuting Evolution 2—Chapter 6
by Jonathan Sarfati
Flaws in dating the earth as ancient
20 Sep 2017
When the numbers don’t add up, it’s time to examine the methods and the philosophy behind them.
by Alexander R. Williams
How precise is the Bible about the date of creation?
15 Jan 2012
Can we discern from the Bible the exact year or day for the date of creation?
by Lita Cosner, Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Has the ‘God particle’ been found?
07 Jul 2012
Scientists working at the Large Hadron Collider claim to have found the Higgs boson or ‘God particle’. Is this true, and what does it really mean?
by Jim Mason
We’re all ‘born that way’
21 Mar 2013
A Christian discussion of homosexuality points to the Gospel.
by Lita Sanders