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A dinosaur made by the Flood
25 Sep 2023
The story of Ultrasaurus
by Kevin Lamoure
Astounding ammonite buried in Noah’s Flood
20 Feb 2023
Ammolite is a rare, iridescent, gem-quality material cut from the fossilized shells of extinct sea creatures. We have Noah’s Flood to thank for their appearance.
by Tas Walker
Doubts about design and the resurrection
14 Jan 2023
Showing how it's reasonable to doubt universal common ancestry and accept that Jesus' tomb was empty.
by Shaun Doyle
Focus: creation news and views
Focus: creation news and views 36(4)
by Various
The current state of creationist ice core research
10 Feb 2023
We have refuted claims the ice sheets demand an old earth, but more modelling is needed.
by Jake Hebert
People are Amazing! Features that could not evolve
28 Jul 2022
Talented human beings dazzle and amaze us, whether musically, mathematically, artistically, athletically, or in many other ways. But such abilities have no obvious survival value, so how did they evolve?
by Philip Bell
Creation literature great evangelism tool!
Amazing ant antics
29 Apr 2024
Have you ever participated in a game where you were taken blindfolded in a car, dropped off, and then challenged to find your way back?
by Lucien Tuinstra
Zhang Heng’s dragon seismoscope
21 Aug 2023
Sneak peek for the latest Creation magazine: A second century Chinese instrument was able to accurately measure earthquakes from hundreds of miles away incorporating the design of dragons
by Gavin Cox
Should I stay in a church that compromises on Biblical Creation?
02 Jun 2022
CMI often receives questions asking whether someone should stay in a church that compromises on Biblical Creation?
by Joel Tay
Is the Genesis 3 curse 'unfair'?
12 Nov 2022
Is it 'unfair' that Adam's sin affects all creation?
by Shaun Doyle
Dicynodonts and ‘out-of-place’ fossils
21 May 2022
Giant mammal-like reptiles in the age of dinosaurs? Cretaceous dicynodont reclassified to Cenozoic mammal, otherwise it would be a proverbial Precambrian rabbit.
by Jonathan Sarfati