Feature Archive 2009
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Rejecting Creation the movie: A business decision
10 Dec 2009
Was the BBC Darwin movie too evolved for U.S. audiences or too boring for investors to risk?
by Emil Silvestru
‘Creationist letter’ published in The Church of England Newspaper
22 Dec 2009
This letter was sent to the Church of England Newspaper by one of CMI’s supporters in response to recent correspondence about creation. We share it here as a great example of a polite-but-challenging letter.
by Duncan Reeve
Christmas in the ‘Year of Darwin’
25 Dec 2009
If you were invited to present a ‘Christmas lecture’ to children, would you at least mention ‘the reason for the season’?
by CMI staff
‘Creating’ a Stir at University
10 Feb 2009
Constant barrage of evolutionary propaganda confuses Christians but creationist information clears the fog.
by Rebecca Barrington
‘But the New Testament does not make a big deal out of the Age of the Earth …’
26 Mar 2009
That does not mean it’s a side issue.
by Peter Milford
Blinded? Or “bewitched”?
26 Nov 2009
Evolutionary scientists claim biblical justification for their stance.
by Adrian Bates
Your 2010 creation calendar
Get your 2010 Creation Calendar
by Tas Walker
Hitting the nail on the head
25 Aug 2009
Smacking your thumb with a hammer is a painful experience! It often makes you hesitant to try again. But an experienced carpenter rarely misses, and feels the satisfaction of regularly hitting the nail on the head.
by Calvin Smith
What ever happened to ‘sin’?: A response to the UK Equality Bill
07 Jul 2009
Under the Bill churches could be forced to employ practising homosexuals.
by Russell Grigg
Go West, young man!
28 Jul 2009
Many people still think that missionaries are most needed in lands far away. But times have changed.
by Calvin Smith
Prescription for raising children
02 Apr 2009
A recent analysis of American children reveals some home truths which might be unpalatable to some of the “intelligentsia”.
by Russell Grigg and David Catchpoole
Creation among the crowds
22 Jan 2009
An experienced open-air evangelist shares from experience about the tragic fallacy of claiming that evolution and the age of the world are ‘side issues’ to the Gospel.
by Andy Banton