Feature Archive 2009
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‘Plants rights’? The latest evolutionary absurdity
30 Apr 2009
An evolutionary “ethics” committee in Europe bizarrely decrees “plant rights”. This is the logical outcome of denying man as created in God’s image.
by Lita Sanders
‘Backwards’ comet perplexes scientists
27 Jan 2009
The recent discovery of a comet dubbed ‘Dracula’ has left evolutionary scientists scratching their heads as to its origins.
by David Catchpoole
What is there to celebrate about Darwin’s 200th birthday?
Look beneath the hoo-ha and what do you find?
by Tas Walker
Evolutionists retreating from the arena of science
03 Dec 2009
Their regress to unfalsifiable positions is now evident in every arena where they once triumphed.
by Dave Woetzel
Natural selection, yes; Evolution, no!
17 Nov 2010
You’ll be amazed at how the ‘evidence for evolution’ in this pro-Darwin television series crumbles under scientific scrutiny.
by Russell Grigg
Charmed, I’m sure!
23 Jul 2009
Can a snake actually hear a snake charmer’s flute? The consensus is it doesn’t, while the Bible implies otherwise. Hence, skeptics say, the Bible is wrong. But the skeptics are mistaken.
by Calvin Smith
Did Darwin Kill God
15 Dec 2009
A recent television charade promotes theistic evolution. But why would the BBC produce such a film?
by Russell Grigg
The Horner/Larsson quest: a “chickenosaurus” to publicly demonstrate evolution!
17 Sep 2009
Within five years, ‘if all goes according to plan’, will we see a live dino-chicken on The Oprah Winfrey Show?
by David Catchpoole
Probably no God?
07 Apr 2009
British buses have been carrying slogans of unbelief recently. What’s the real agenda behind this latest advertising campaign? And how should Christians respond?
by Phil Robinson
Clergy Letter Project a circus
03 Feb 2009
Atheist Zimmerman invites clergy to dance to his evolutionary Clergy Letter Project.
by Adrian Bates
Dino protein denial
29 Dec 2009
Rather than question the millions-of-years paradigm, researchers are willing to not just ignore key evidence, but even to find ways to deny it!
by David Catchpoole
New footprints from Ileret, Kenya, supposed to be from human evolutionary ancestor
12 Mar 2009
And all based on the angle of the big toe!
by Michael J. Oard